Chapter 15

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For few weeks Seijurou tried to hangout with Y/n, but he was always busy. He told him that he had a big project to work on and it took all of his free time. Seijurou tried to convince him to take a break, but Y/n was stubborn. If Akashi wanted to see him, he would have to come up with something. Being the genius he was, he knew what to do.

Akashi sat down at his desk and turned his computer on. Then he went to the system directory and deleted system32. The computer started struggling. To complete the process, he reset it. The computer failed to boot up. Pleased with his work, he called Y/n. The phone was picked up after two signals.

-Seijurou, I told you I'm busy. -whined Y/n.

-I know, but it's an emergency. -answered Seijurou. - My computer broke down and you can fix anything.

-Tell me what's wrong with it. - Y/n sighed defeated. Seijurou knew he won.

-I try to turn it on and nothing happens. It just resets on it's own in a loop. - he explained. -Could you come and check it?

-Fine, I'll be there in a bit. - Y/n answered and ended the call.

Y/n showed up around an hour later. The butler let Y/n in and advised Seijurou about the guest. Akashi was already waiting for Y/n. He greeted him and led him to his bedroom. Y/n sat down at the desk and pressed the button to turn the computer on. It gave out a beep, then tried to boot up, failing.

-It's not the problem on the parts, BIOS signals that everything is okay. - Y/n said, focused. Akashi always liked seeing him trying to find a solution to a problem.

-Do you know what caused the failure? -Akashi asked.

-Depends. - answered Y/n. - Tell me what were you doing with it recently. Downloaded something?

Akashi knew where the question was going.

-No, but I might have went to an unsafe page. - answered Seijurou. - Maybe something downloaded on it's own.

The only thing Akashi forgot about was that Y/n wasn't stupid. And he knew when Akashi was lying. Y/n turned to face him fully and crossed his forearms against his chest.

-Let me be straightforward. - Y/n said, leaning back in the armchair. - Either someone broke in your computer, or you downloaded a virus that deleted a big part of your system. Or you have done it on purpose. And I'm choosing to believe in the last option. - he finished, looking straight in Akashi's eyes. He knew he wouldn't hold his gaze.

-You got me. - sighed Seijurou. -Excellent guess.

-Why did you pull me away from my work?- he asked. - You know I'm busy.

-I wanted you to take a break, you should rest. - answered Akashi. - Look at the dark circles under your eyes, you're not sleeping enough. And I wanted to see you. - he added silently, looking away. Y/n only sighed.

-Do you have the disc with the system, or should I prepare the pendrive? - he asked calmly.

Akashi gave him the box with the disc inside without a word. Of course he had it prepared. Y/n put it in the drive and installed the system. After that he downloaded the antivirus and the drivers. After an hour and half the computer was ready to use.

-I hope you backed up your files before you messed up the system. - he said. - All done.

-Yes, I did. - Akashi nodded. - Thankyou for help.

-Anytime. - Y/n answered, smiling lightly. - You were right, I needed a break. Thank you for making me take one.

-Pleasure was all mine. - Seijurou answered.

The atmosphere got a bit awkward for a moment. They didn't notice when they started talking softly to each other. Neither of them knew what to say, so Akashi just offered to walk Y/n to the door, which Y/n accepted. They said their goodbyes and with that Y/n started walking to the train station. Akashi watched him until he lost him from his sight. With a heavy sigh he made his way back in the house.  

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