Chapter 8

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Y/n was surrounded with the bunch of people. He was showing off his skateboarding skills. The attention he was getting was a nice distraction when Kise was doing his photoshoot not so far away. Y/n agreed on waiting for his boyfriend, but he got bored after a bit. At some point he was feeling hot, so he undid two buttons of his shirt. That was enough to keep people watching him. Some of them even recorded his tricks.

-Why am I not surprised it's you, who caused so much ruckus? - Y/n stopped, when he heard Kise's voice. -No one noticed I walked out of the studio.

-I was just bored. - Y/n smiled. - Are you done?

-No, the photographer calls you too, he wants us to pose together. - smiled Ryouta.

Y/n nodded, bowed to the crowd and left with Kise. They walked in the studio, where the photographer was waiting for them with the camera in her hands. Ryouta introduced his boyfriend to her and got back in his spot. Y/n followed him, seeming a bit confused and lost. He didn't know how to behave and Kise noticed that immediately. Y/n was so cute like that.

-Relax babe. - Ryouta said, wrapping his arms around Y/n's neck.

-Alright. - Y/n took a deep breath.

Y/n and Ryouta started their photoshoot. After a while Y/n relaxed fully and he started having fun. Hell, he might even want to be a model like Kise. The photographer was delighted seeing that, Y/n and Ryouta looked really good together.

-Okay and for the last photo you can take any pose you want. - she said.

Y/n smirked, wrapped his arm around Ryouta's shoulders and kissed his cheek. Right before the photographer snapped the picture, Y/n looked directly into the camera. The photographer smiled widely, seeing the outcome. She showed them all the pics, before they were free.

-Your picture will be sent to you in few days. - she said.

-Thanks. - Kise smiled and hugged her. Y/n did the same, before they left the studio.

-Where are we going now? - Y/n asked once they were walking down the pavement.

-How about we have lunch somewhere and then go to my place? - offered Kise.

-Fine with me. - Y/n nodded and pecked Kise's cheek.

-You're extremely affectionate recently.- noticed Ryouta.

-Maybe I want closure. - Y/n voiced his thought. - I don't even know what makes me this way.

Kise stopped them and pulled Y/n close.

-How about I give you the huge amount of closure today? - asked Ryouta, Y/n smirked as all Kise wanted was written in his eyes. And it was hot.

-I will gladly accept your offer my little candy. - Y/n purred.

They found the restaurant nearby to eat at. They ordered the food to go and once it was ready, they went to Kise's place. They were alone. They planned on eating first, but they just eyed each other up, and that was all. Y/n pulled Ryouta close and kissed him roughly. Ryouta kissed back, smiling into the kiss. Y/n pushed Ryouta against the kitchen counter and started unbuttoning his shirt.

-This is where we are doing it? -Ryouta chuckled as Y/n kissed his neck.

-Why not? - Y/n smirked.

-It will ruin cooking here, even after clean up. - Ryouta tried to reason, but he knew he would give up.

-Alright. - Y/n picked Ryouta up bridal style and carried him to the living room. He threw him on the couch and jumped on him immediately. - Now I have you trapped.

Ryouta pulled Y/n in for another kiss. They started taking each other's clothes faster now, caught up in the moment and what was about to happen. Kise rolled them around and pulled Y/n's boxers down. He took his cock in his mouth and sucked on it, covering it heavily with his saliva. Y/n was letting out low grunts as his fingers were running through Kise's hair.

-Fuck my face. - said Kise.

Y/n didn't have to be told twice. He kept Ryouta's head in place as he thrusted his hips in and out until he came. Ryouta swallowed all of his load, before he stroke Y/n's cock, getting it hard again. His other hand was preparing his ass for Y/n's dick. Y/n smirked as he watched the show above him. He placed his hands on Ryouta's hips once the blonde started slipping Y/n's cock inside of him. Ryouta moaned loudly at the feeling of being filled up. He immediately started riding him.

-Don't you need a time to adjust? - Y/n panted with a smirk.

-I'm not that fragile. - Kise answered, kissing his lover.

Y/n hummed in the kiss. He started rolling his hips to get more friction. His other goal was to hit Kise's prostate. Y/n aimed in different directions, until he found it. He moved his lips to Kise's neck, abusing his sweet spot with kisses. Ryouta was shaking in his arms with pleasure.

-I'm cuming. - moaned Kise.

-Me too. - Y/n grunted.

Few thrusts later Ryouta came on his chest, while Y/n shot his cum inside of him. Kise kept riding Y/n's cock until it stopped twitching and cuming. Then he got up and pecked Y/n's lips.

-Do you want to bang me in the shower?- asked Ryouta.

-I would be an idiot if I refused. -Y/n smirked and got up to follow his lover to the bathroom.  

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