Chapter 25

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On Monday Y/n was in a great mood for the whole day. The memories of the past weekend were still alive in his head. He spent his breaks texting with Akashi. He couldn't wait for another opportunity to have some hot time with him like this.

-Is that a hickey? - Kise chuckled as they were walking to the practice.

-One of many. - grinned Y/n.

-You must have a good night then. - he answered in a teasing manner.

-The whole weekend was good. - Y/n answered. - On Friday we went to sleep at three freaking AM. Next nights were awesome too, absolute fire.

-I can see that you are head over heels for Akashicchi. - Kise chuckled. - But I need you to focus, our next match is against Aominecchi.

-I know. - Y/n smiled. - You will top him this once. - he said before he started running. He was right.

-Are you suggesting that I'm the bottom?! - Kise started chasing after him.

-I'm sure of that! - he laughed as he was running.

Time skip

After practice Y/n got on the train going to Kyoto. He was invited for a dinner at Akashi's house and he would dare to miss it. He arrived there on his skateboard, Seijurou was waiting for him already. He welcomed him with a kiss.

-I missed you. -said Seijurou.

-Same, those arms feel so empty without you. - Y/n answered kissing Seijurou's forehead.

-Sappy boy. -Seijurou whispered, pecking Y/n's lips.

They went out for a walk around the mansion, as the dinner wasn't ready yet. They had their arms around each other's waists as they walked.

-What's with your dad? - Y/n asked. - I don't think he ever wanted to have me around like that before.

-Maybe he does. -answered Seijurou. - Maybe he understood that I don't want anyone else but you.

-So he pestered you about us before. - stated Y/n.

-He did, in his opinion it was just a teenage love. - said Seijurou. - Now he even asks how are you doing.

-Damn. - Y/n chuckled surprised.

They came back in the house after a bit. Seijurou's father welcomed Y/n and invited both of them to the table. They sat down, getting their food served right after. Seijurou's father asked Y/n how he was doing, how the practices were going. Y/n was still cautious about his responses, it felt strange for him. Seijurou encouraged Y/n to relax. He was worried too, but he wanted to calm him down.

After the dinner Y/n and Seijurou went to his room. Y/n nuzzled Seijurou's neck, his mind still racing. Seijurou played with his hair, enjoying the closure.

-It's so frustrating to not to know what's going in your father's head. - Y/n whined. - I'm scared.

-No need to be, whatever will happen we will be together. - Seijurou answered and kissed Y/n's temple. - No need to worry. - he whispered.

-After what we went through, if someone wanted to separate us, I would burn the world down to a crisp with that person included. - Y/n said, looking up at him.

-I know, I will not allow anyone get between us as well. - answered Seijurou. -Relax, you don't have to worry. Trust me.

-I do trust you babe. - Y/n said.

He pecked Seijurou's lips. Akashi smiled lightly, running his hand through Y/n's hair. Y/n leaned in his touch, like a cat getting pets from his owner. He kissed Seijurou's wrist and down his forearm. Seijurou pulled Y/n in for a hug. Y/n nuzzled his neck and sighed in content.

-I love you. - Y/n said lazily.

-My commitment to you is bigger than love. - answered Seijurou. - I adore you with all my heart.

-You're bigger sweet talker than I have ever been. - Y/n chuckled. - All I can do is telling you, that my love for you is absolute.

-I can't believe you used this on me. - Seijurou shook his head in amusement.

Y/n chuckled and kissed Seijurou's lips. The kiss was immediately returned with equal force. Y/n growled playfully as Seijurou opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Y/n pulled away when he felt he was getting hotter.

They spent their afternoon on cuddles, then Seijurou helped Y/n with homework. In the evening Seijurou took the limousine. Both of them got in and drove to Y/n's home.  

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