Chapter 21

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The matches of Interhigh finally started. The eliminations were easy, Y/n and Kise didn't have to do much. They were let to play only when the situation was difficult, which didn't occur frequently. The seniors and first-years were doing a good job. That let the two aces to have some chats.

-Aominecchi asked me out. - he whispered to Y/n.

-Finally. - Y/n grinned.

-Yes, how are you doing with Akashicchi? Kise asked.

-We're taking things slow, but damn it's difficult. - Y/n chuckled. - We have a date today, to celebrate our victories in the eliminations.

-The match is not over yet. - said Kise.

-It was over the second we arrived here. - Y/n answered.

As Y/n said, the match was won by Kaijou. They got up, shook hands with the opposite team and left to celebrate. Y/n couldn't wait for their small meeting to finish, he was looking forward to his date. Nakamura wasn't a party guy either, Y/n didn't like him much. After an hour they were all going to their homes. Y/n walked in the house.

-How was it? - asked his dad. He was cooking dinner, since he had a week off. Y/n's mom was at work.

-Easy win. - Y/n answered.

Then he made his way to his room. He grabbed clean clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower. He washed himself quickly, got dressed and jumped on his skateboard. On the way to Akashi mansion he bought roses for Seijurou. Then he got back on the road. He skated to the train station and got on the right train. An hour later he was skating through the gate of the mansion. He stomped on the back of the skateboard, making it jump in his hand. He ringed the door, it was answered by the butler.

-L/n-san, Akashi-san is awaiting you already. - he said, letting him in.

-Thank you. - Y/n smiled.

Y/n was led to Seijurou's bedroom door. The butler announced Y/n's arrival, before he was let in. He stepped in the room and walked up to his love.

-Hello sweetheart. - he said to Akashi wrapping his arms around him.

-Good afternoon my love. - Seijurou smiled, having his arms around Y/n's waist. - Did you win?

-Yes, though they didn't let me play. -Y/n sighed. - I don't have to ask for your result, right?

-It wasn't difficult, seeing they were playing against Rakuzan, they didn't put much of a fight. - answered Seijurou.

They sat down on the armchairs in Seijurou's room. They didn't feel comfortable enough to cuddle in bed, when Seijurou's father was around. It didn't matter that he was in his office and wasn't leaving it until dinner. It just didn't feel right, when they could be interrupted anytime.

-I think we should arrange some real alone time. - said Y/n.

-I agree with you. - answered Seijurou.- It was a silly idea to take it slow, when we can't control ourselves properly.

-I appreciate the tension we are building up. It will surely make our night great, but I simply can't wait for it to happen. - Y/n said, touching Seijurou's thigh.

Before the atmosphere would get warmer, the butler called them for dinner. They got up and followed him to the dining room. Y/n sat close to Seijurou, to his left. Seijurou's father arrived a brief moment later. Y/n immediately tensed. He knew him already, he never liked to be around him.

-It's nice to see you here again. - he said after greeting Y/n. Seijurou and Y/n didn't know if he was genuine, or he was being sarcastic.

-Thank you. - Y/n answered, not knowing what else to say.

The food was served. The atmosphere was heavy as they ate. Y/n decided to focus on the taste of the dinner, they had a very talented chef. He wouldn't expect anything less though. Once they finished eating, Seijurou's father spoke up.

-Tell me Y/n, what are your plans about my son? - he asked.

-They never changed. - Y/n answered. -I love Seijurou and I want to spend my life with him.

-Even after the way you parted your ways? - he pushed.

-Yes. - Y/n said right away. Akashi nodded, before speaking to his son.

-Seijurou, what are your plans about Y/n? - he asked.

-I will make up to him all the hurt I caused. - Seijurou said. - No matter the cost.

-You are both determined to be together. - Seijurou's father summed up, earning nods from both of them. - Good. - he said, then stood up. - Now if you excuse me, I must go back to work.

He walked away from the table, leaving both Y/n and Seijurou thinking about the conversation that just happened. Seijurou knew his father had a purpose for asking those questions, it was hard to read his intentions though.  

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