Chapter 10

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As promised the day before, the Kaijo's coach arranged them to go to the swimming pool for practice. He was already waiting for the team. He reserved one of the pools for them, so they would have a peaceful session. In the matter of few minutes they were gathered in front of him.

-Stretch and get in the water. - he instructed.

The players started to do their warm up routine. Everyone had their own, since the first-years weren't as strong as the others. If it wasn't for Kise and L/n, Takeuchi would seriously doubt their chances in the tournaments this year. Once everyone were in the water, the coach gave him the plan of the practice. It consisted mostly of racing against each other. Y/n's stamina allowed him to beat everyone, apart from Kise, who used his Perfect Copy on him.

-It's like racing myself. - he chuckled when they both finished their race at the same time. - Smart idea.

-Thank you. - smirked Kise.

The practice continued for two hours, then they were all allowed to go home. Y/n felt tired and refreshed at the same time. It lasted only until the team walked out of the pool building, straight to the heat outside. Y/n groaned, feeling the hot air on his skin, warming it up immediately. He felt fed up with the weather.

-I'm going back. - Y/n said, already turning around. He was stopped by Kise.

-Hold on, we will go to my place and I have some ice cream in my freezer. - answered Ryouta.

-Alright, you got me. But we are not going there by train. - Y/n sighed and called the cab.

They said their goodbyes to their teammates, who left to the train station. Soon the cab arrived. They got it and waited as the driver drove to Kise's place. Y/n texted his parents that Kise bribed him with ice cream and he will be staying with him for the night. It was answered by a simple 'ok' from his mom. Once they arrived, Kise unlocked the door and let them in.

Without questions asked, both of them took their shirts off and poured some water on their napes to cool themselves down. Y/n plopped down on the couch and looked at his lover. He made grabby hands at him, before he spoke up with a pout on his face.

-Now, give me my ice cream. - said Y/n.

-How about some 'please' first? -Ryouta asked, raising his eyebrow.

-I would please you, but it's too hot.- Y/n smirked. - Or we can go to the bathtub.

-Alright, alright have the ice cream. -Kise blushed handing Y/n a big box of ice cream, and taking other for him.

-I made the all-mighty-in-his-sexiness Kise Ryouta to blush, who would have thought? - Y/n teased.

-Shut up. - Kise chuckled, opening the box.

They watched some random movie as they were eating the ice cream on the couch. Y/n wished he could get some cuddles, but he hoped that the evening will be cool enough for him to wrap his arms around Ryouta. Y/n smirked at the thought that came to his mind.

-I wish I could eat those ice cream out of you. - Y/n said as innocently as he could, making Ryouta choke on his ice cream with a heavy blush on his face. - Choking could also be something that would happen.

-Y/n! - scolded Ryouta.

-You'd be saying that a lot too, louder and louder until the neighbors know my name. - Y/n kept teasing.

-As if they don't know it yet. - Kise muttered, looking away.

-What was it? - Y/n heard it perfectly, but he wanted to tease Kise about it further.

-Nothing. - Ryouta answered, stuffing his mouth with his ice cream.

Y/n only smirked and got back to his own box. Once both containers were empty, the couple sat there in silence, watching TV. The silence didn't bother Y/n, but it was a problem for Kise. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

-Get up, we're going to the bathroom. -said Kise. - You have some pleasuring to do.

-You'll get punished for ordering me around like this. - answered Y/n.

-So we have at least two round planned.- Kise smirked, earning a playful groan from Y/n, before he pushed Kise in the bathroom and slammed the door behind them.  

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