Chapter 23

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On the day of the quarter finals Y/n and Akashi met before their matches. Y/n had his arms wrapped around his lover, while Akashi pulled him closer by the back of his head as they kissed passionately, hidden behind the building.

-Good luck babe. - Y/n said when they finally had to go.

-Thank you and likewise. - answered Akashi.

They parted their ways and joined their teams. Y/n was the first to play his match. Seijurou watched it amused, as Y/n was having his way with Hanamiya, angering him more and more. Whenever Y/n wasn't able to score the point, Kise was thereto help. The rest of the team couldn't be forgotten either. They were strong.

As expected, Kaijou won the match. Both teams bowed and left. The next match was Touou against Shutoku. It was taking place twenty minutes after the first match, allowing Kaijou to watch. They took the free places right before the match started. Y/n and Kise were interested in seeing who would win. In the end Touou won by one point., meaning that Kaijou will be playing against them in semifinals. Then Yosen played against Seirin, winning. The last match was Seiho against Rakuzan. The winner was known before the match even started.

After the matches Y/n waited for Akashi to come out of the building. The whole Rakuzan team showed up soon, earning Y/n's attention. Y/n walked up to them lazily.

-Congrats. - he said. - Yosen up next, huh?

-It seems so. - answered Seijurou. -Are you waiting for someone? - he asked smiling.

-In fact I do. - Y/n tilted his head with a smirk. - Have you seen Akashi Seijurou somewhere?

-Not at all. - Seijurou shook his head.

-They are definitely flirting. -Kotarou said to his teammates.

-Do you think he's Sei-chan's love done? - asked Reo.

-They completely forgot about us. -added Eikichi.

As if on cue, Y/n turned to them.

-I will allow myself to steal Seijurou away from you. - he said.

-We will see each other on Monday. -said Seijurou.

-Bye then. - said Reo, the rest waving at them too as they walked away.

They went to the train station, then got in the train to Akita. They spent the time in the train talking about different stuff.

-Tell me Y/n – said Seijurou. - Your birthday is coming, what do you want for a present?

-I didn't think about it. - Y/n answered. - I'm not picky.

-Then be ready for a date. - Seijurou smiled.


Once they reached their stop, they got out of the train and walked to Y/n's house hand in hand. It was a simple gesture but it made Y/n feel warm. They finally arrived at Y/n's place. They walked in. Y/n's parents were already waiting for their son.

-I'm back. - he said, walking in.

-Oh, you brought Seijurou. - his mom noticed. - It's nice to see you again.

-Thank you. - Seijurou bowed.

-How was the match? - asked his dad.

-Both of us won, we are on our way to the finals. - Y/n chuckled.

-As expected. - his father chuckled.

They all got at the table as the dinner was ready. Y/n's parents treated Seijurou normally, as their son asked. After dinner Y/n and Seijurou went to his room. At first they sat sat on the bed cuddling and sharing kisses, but after a moment Y/n laid down and pulled Seijurou down with him. They snuggled up to each other. Y/n kissed Seijurou's forehead and nuzzled his hair.

-Can it get any better? - he muttered squeezing Seijurou in his arms.

-I would prove you that it can, but we would probably get loud. - answered Akashi.

-I would like to get loud with you. -Y/n smirked.

-Next week we can. - Seijurou whispered. - My father is going on the delegation and he won't be in the house.

-Perfect. - Y/n grinned. - I can't wait.

-Me neither. - responded Seijurou. - We finally have a chance.

Y/n nodded and pecked Akashi's lips. The small peck turned into a make-out session very soon. They let themselves to show how hungry they were for each other in that kiss. They pulled away when they were completely breathless.

-I love you. - Seijurou said, making Y/n smile wide.

-I love you too baby. - answered Y/n, hugging Akashi tighter.  

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