Chapter 33

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After two weeks in Paris, Y/n and Seijurou got back to Japan. They wanted to take a rest after the travel, but they weren't allowed too, at least yet. Their parents were waiting for them at the airport. Both families wanted to knowhow the planned proposal went. They were more than happy to hear that Y/n and Seijurou were engaged now.

To their surprise, they were led to Akashi's limousine. Neither of them questioned that, until Y/n's father said that they had a surprise for them and their stay in France wasn't just for leisure and proposal. There was something more and they were about to see what it was.

The limousine stopped in front of the big house. Y/n widened his eyes as he saw his and Seijurou's cars parked in front of it. He wanted to question it, but he didn't say a word, when he noticed the wide smiles on his parents' faces. They definitely had something to do with this and he needed to know what, but he simply couldn't find words as the pieces were slowly falling into their place.

-What's the meaning of this? - asked Seijurou as they got out of the limousine and stared at the house before them. He voiced Y/n's unspoken thoughts.

-How about you two find out yourself? -said Seijurou's father, handing him a file.

Seijurou opened it and almost dropped it as he read through the contents. Y/n got interested in it too, especially when he saw Seijurou's face expression as he was reading the papers. The documents stated that Akashi and Y/n's parents bought a house and they were giving it to Seijurou and him. Y/n looked at their elders with wide eyes. He couldn't find words in his head to express his shock and how happy he was.

-Consider it a proposal gift. - said Y/n's mother.

-We were having it prepared for you. -added Seijurou's father. - It's ready, your stuff are there too.

-Go and see how it looks inside. -Y/n's father urged them, handing them two sets of keys.

They didn't have to be told twice. They hugged all three of them, before they made their way inside. Seijurou opened the door. They gasped. Colors full of contrasts and modern furniture in the living room. Huge bed in their master bedroom. Three other guest rooms. Two bathrooms, apart from the one connected to their bedroom. Bright kitchen. Everything they wanted to have in their dream house.

-Do you remember when we were talking about how we wanted out house to look like? - asked Y/n. - I think someone else was listening.

-I think so as well. - Seijurou agreed.- But I can't be angry at them in that moment.

-Me neither. - Y/n grinned as he threw Seijurou on the bed. - Though we should, they got rid of us so easily. - he chuckled.

-I think we can treat it lightly. -Seijurou smiled and ran his hand through Y/n's hair, pushing it back.- Can't we, love?

-Yes we can. - Y/n kissed Seijurou's lips with a wide smile on his face.

Time skip

Seijurou and Y/n spent the first night in the new house on napping, snacking and watching movies until late. It was their little celebration of the fact that they were now living together, something they wanted to do for a while. Their parents were supporting their relationship, they were happy together. It was all going perfectly well. Around two in the morning they fell asleep and woke up around eleven.

-Morning love. -Y/n smiled.

-Good morning. -answered Seijurou. - What time is it?

-Eleven. - Y/n said, nuzzling Seijurou's neck.

-We should have breakfast. - Seijurou tried to be reasonable and start the day, but Y/n's closure was something that kept him in bed successfully. He couldn't bring himself to even try to get out of Y/n's arms.

-Five more minutes. - replied Y/n.

Seijurou started playing with Y/n's hair with a smile on his face. Sleepy Y/n was adorable and Seijurou knew that he will be seeing that every morning. He smiled and rested his forehead on Y/n's shoulder. His Y/n, forever and a day. And Seijurou was his as well.

The end.

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