Chapter 27

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The day of the match between Rakuzan and Kaijou came a week later. Y/n saw all of the other Generation of Miracles members on the audience. Satsuki was there also, next to Aomine. He also noticed Murasakibara with his hands full of snacks. The noise he heard was the sign of the other team walking out to the court. Y/n smiled as Rakuzan team walked in, led by Akashi.

Y/n wanted to chat with them, but Hayakawa stopped him. It was getting on his nerves to be honest, but he couldn't do much about it. He warmed up with the others, then the match started. The players got on their spots.

-Y/n, you're covering Akashi. - said Hayakawa. Y/n smirked.

-Now and forever. - he said to himself, before he walked up to his boyfriend. - Hello love.

-Do you want something? - asked Seijurou.

-Not at all. - Y/n chuckled and got ready. - I'll just stand here, don't mind me.

Once the match started Y/n was doing his best to keep Seijurou away from the ball. Y/n knew that if he failed, Seijurou would go past him. Y/n might be able to withstand Ankle Breaker, but fighting someone able to see the future was a different story. Seijurou didn't fail to tease Y/n whenever the pass reached him.

-Are you letting me come on top right now? - asked Seijurou after another shot.

-That's the only way you can top me anyway. - Y/n growled, annoyed. - Unless you'd want to take a ride. -he said winking at Akashi.

Y/n's team got some points back when they allowed Y/n to go for offense. Kise was trying to stop Akashi, while Y/n was throwing his shots in the basket. In the end though, Y/n had to go back to neutralize Akashi. Both teams were scoring point for point. The tie was always broken only for a moment. The match ended with a tie as well, so the referee announced the foul shots to have the winner. They started and it went good, until the freshmen of both Rakuzan and Kaijou had their shots. Rakuzan succeeded, Kaijou didn't.

-It was so close. - Y/n said, before he walked up to the guy and pat his shoulder. - No worries, it's your first season and we were already in the finals. We will win the Winter Cup.

-Thank you Senpai. - he said. - The stress got the best of me.

Y/n knew he was disappointed. Then it was time to shake hands and leave. Y/n walked up to Rakuzan players and congratulated them. He shook hands with them, both teams bowed to each other, then they got back to talking.

-You did good too! - praised Kotarou, making Y/n smile a bit.

-Thanks, though losing still sucks. -he sighed.

-Join us for a dinner then. - said Nebuya. - Food cures wounds.

-You just want to rub it in my face. -Y/n chuckled, earning a laugh from the others.

-We will really appreciate if you joined us. - said Seijurou – Kise can come too.

-I'm sure he would, but he has a date with Daiki. - answered Y/n. - I'm free though.

-How is tat possible that no one asked Y/n-chan on a date? - teased Reo.

-Great question. - Y/n laughed.

They all went off to the locker rooms, before they met up in front of the building and went to the restaurant for dinner. They spent there the rest of the afternoon, before they decided to head to their homes. Y/n walked in his house and sighed.

-I'm back. - he announced.

-How was the match? - asked his mom.

-We lost. - Y/n answered, pouting.

-I'm sorry to hear that. - she ruffled his hair. - Did you have a chance to eat? It's late.

-Yes, I went out with my opponents. -Y/n chuckled.

He talked to his mom until his dad came back home. Later in the evening he sent Seijurou a 'goodnight' message before he went to bed. He was surprised with how tired he was, but at the same time, it was Seijurou he encountered. Y/n closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep soon after.  

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