Chapter 7

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Akashi didn't want to leave his room. He told his father that Kuroko broke up with him and that he didn't want to be bothered. In reality he wasn't down because of that. The tears that were running down his cheeks were there out of completely different reason. The reason he never really let himself cry about.


Y/n and Akashi were in Y/n's room. They were alone, as Y/n's parents were at work until late night. Akashi told his father they were working on the school project, so he didn't bother them either. It was all about them. They kissed on Y/n's bed, part of their clothes scattered on the floor.

-Are you sure your parents won't come back earlier? - asked Seijurou.

-They have some important project, so we have the whole afternoon and evening for each other. - Y/n answered, connecting their lips once more.

Seijurou kissed back, allowing his boyfriend do what he wanted. The kiss was getting more and more heated. Y/n kissed down Seijurou's jaw to see if he would stop him. The next stop was his neck. Akashi let out a moan when Y/n found his sweet spot. Seijurou gripped Y/n's shoulders, pulling him closer.

-Y/n...- panted Seijurou.

-What is it? - Y/n nibbled on his earlobe. - Do you want me to stop?

-No. - Akashi shook his head. - I want more.

-All the way? -asked Y/n.

-Yes. - Seijurou nodded. - Be my first.

-You'll be my first too. - Y/n chuckled nervously.

Seijurou smiled at that. They did touch each other before, but they never went all the way. Their only way of knowing how to do stuff was basically watching porn together. They were waiting for both of them to be ready. This time has come.

They started kissing again. This time they unbuttoned each other's shirts and pants. They threw their clothes on the floor. Y/n pulled Seijurou's boxers off, before he got rid of his own ones too. He licked his lips seeing the toned body of his lover underneath him. Y/n kissed allover Akashi's neck and chest, making sure to leave no marks. Seijurou moaned and squirmed in pleasure. Y/n's hand went to their members. Y/n stroked them with his hand, making both of them moan. Y/n's other hand got covered in lube he pulled from under the bed. Y/n slowly slipped one finger inside of Akashi. The strokes he was giving to their members was distracting Akashi enough for Y/n to add another finger. That continued until Y/n had four digits inside of Seijurou.

-Take me Y/n. -moaned Akashi.

Y/n considered Akashi slippery enough. He put some more lube on his cock, before he lined up with Seijurou's entrance. He thrusted in slowly. Akashi arched his back in pleasure, clawing on Y/n's shoulders as he filled him up. Seijurou felt pain, but it wasn't as strong as he expected. Y/n stayed still, letting him adjust, both of them panting.

-Move. - said Akashi. - And kiss me.

Y/n did what he was told. He kissed Seijurou passionately before he started rolling his hips. Akashi wrapped his legs around Y/n's hips, pulling him closer. Akashi gasped when he felt Y/n's dick going deeper in, hitting his sweet spot. Y/n's thrusts were getting faster and sharper, seeing Akashi over the edge. Their first time wasn't long, but it was definitely intense. They finished together, with Y/n pulling out in the last second, finishing on Akashi's chest.

-That was great. -Y/n said, smiling wide.

-I would dare to say it was wonderful. - Seijurou was smiling as well. He pecked Y/n's lips and let him clean both of them.

End of flashback

Akashi found himself smiling at the memory. They become inseparable after that day. They would be, if Akashi didn't hurt him.


Y/n walked up to Akashi, he was waiting for him at the gym. He wasn't even looking at him, Y/n was sure he heard his steps.

-You called me. -he said.

-I did. - Akashi nodded. - I have come in terms with the fact that the relationship we have was a mistake. A stupid distraction that is holding me back from my goals. With that being said, we are through.

-I can't say I didn't expect it. - Y/n's voice was shaking, like he was at the verge of crying. In reality the tears were already running down his cheeks.- Ever since you played against Atsushi, you have changed.

-I haven't changed, you were just a toy for my entertainment. - he said roughly.- I got bored. You will finish the year in the team, then you are no longer needed.

-You can't expect me to stay and act like nothing happened. - Y/n sobbed.

-Then I don't want to see you at all, weakling. - Akashi answered and left the gym.

And nobody knew that the real Akashi Seijurou was yelling and crying inside for the other one to give him the control back. No one heard him beg the other to shut up. No one heard his heart shattered as he left his love crying on his knees.

End of flashback

Akashi was crying his eyes out. The squeezing pain in his chest was unbearable. He would prefer Y/n to openly hate him. The fact that he treated him like a normal friend only proved how strong he was with his heart like a diamond. If he knew the price of victory over everyone else would be that high, he wouldn't want to pay it. He lost his most important treasure.

-Now Kise has it all. - he sobbed with his eyes shut tightly, as he was sharking, crying. - He would be better for him. - he whispered, gripping the sheets. - How I wish he would hold me and never let go, like he promised. Like we both promised...

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