Chapter 3

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Y/n put his school uniform on before he grabbed a quick breakfast. His parents were already at work, so he locked the house as he left. He could take a train to school, but he changed his mind. He took his skateboard and skated to school. He didn't have any problems with reaching the school. He took a turn and skated through the gate. He went to the office to grab his schedule, a key to his locker and ask about a place to leave his skateboard in. The lady at the office was very helpful, so in around ten minutes Y/n was ready to go to his first class. She also helped him sign up for the basketball team. Soon, he met his homeroom teacher, who led him to the classroom to introduce him. They walked in the room, with Y/n standing in front of his new classmates.

-As you can see, we have a new student, Y/n L/n. - the teacher introduced him. - Do you want to say something about yourself.

-Of course. - Y/n smiled. - As mentioned, my name is Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you all, please take care of me.

-Thank you, please take a seat next to Kise. - Y/n heard and mentally rolled his eyes. - Kise, please rise your hand.

-There will be no need for that. - Y/n immediately spotted the blonde. - Long time no see, Ryouta. - he said making his way to the seat and sitting down.

The class passed quickly, the teacher was testing Y/n's knowledge, so he had a lot of questions to answer. Once the bell signaled the break, Y/n was immediately approached by Kise, while the rest of the students watched them.

-L/ncchi I can't believe you're back. -he said.

-Yesterday Atsushi told me the same thing. - Y/n answered, smiling lightly. - No 'welcome back' or anything?

-You surely deserve one. - Kise smiled.- Welcome back L/ncchi.

-Thanks. - Y/n grinned.

-So anyway, did you join any club yet?- asked Kise.

-Is Y/n L/n here? - they were interrupted by Hayakawa entering their classroom.

-At your service, senpai. - Y/n bowed.

-I'm Mitsuhiro Hayakawa, the captain. -he said. - Kise, make sure our new player won't get lost o his way to the practice.

-You don't have to worry. - Kise nodded.

Hayakawa left them. Y/n turned his attention to Kise.

-Did that answer your question? - he asked. - And was this dude always so loud?

-Yes to both. - Kise was smiling wide.- We will beat everyone with you in the team.

-Can't wait. - Y/n smirked.

Kise was dragging Y/n around to introduce him to everyone he knew during the breaks. It was annoying, but what did he expect, it was Kise he was dealing with. In the end they were heading to Y/n's first practice in Kaijou. They warmed up, then Hayakawa threw the ball to Y/n and told him to play against Kise to try him out.

-Let's see if you got any better. - Y/n said.

-I hope your moves are not rusty. -Kise responded in a similar manner.

Y/n only smirked as he started dribbling the ball. Kise knew there was no need to hold back when he was playing against Y/n, so he started imitating all Generation of Miracles. Yet he couldn't steal the ball from Y/n. He seemed to be two steps ahead of Kise all the time. Kise knew he didn't have Seijurou's Emperor Eye. Ryouta seemed to understand why back in Teiko Akashi and Y/n could play in a tie for hours. Seijurou couldn't read his moves properly. Kise decided to try Aomine way, but that only made them run around the court. Whenever Kise got the ball, he just touched it for a brief second, before it was back in Y/n's hands. It was simply disappearing.

-Alright, I'm getting bored. - Y/n said, before charged at Kise and went past him, before he managed to react.

Ryouta started to chase after him, but that was something Y/n expected him to do. Once he was close to Kise's basket, Y/n took a quick step back and threw the ball. It fell right in.

-You're better, but so am I. - Y/n said to Kise, before he turned his attention to his teammates. - So, did I make it to the team?

-With fireworks. - answered Hayakawa. -Welcome to the team.  

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