Chapter 17

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After a week Y/n was allowed to go home. Over that week he was taken care of well. His parents were there, but his friends were also coming over frequently with snacks or books to read once Y/n didn't have any more games to play. Mostly it was Seijurou, dropping by right after practice.

-Thanks doctor for patching me up. - he said as he was leaving with his parents.

-I hope I won't see you again in such state. - she said with a smile. - Or worse.

-I promise. - Y/n answered.

They got in the car and drove off. Y/n talked to his parents a bit, they got into a restaurant to celebrate Y/n being released from the hospital. After the nice dinner and taking some more out, they got home. Y/n sighed in content, he missed his room. Y/n went to his bedroom and fell on the bed. He was staring at the celling, thinking of what to do. He wanted Seijurou, but at the same time, he remembered their break up. Yet his heart longed for Akashi's closure.

-What am I supposed to do? - he sighed.- I don't want him to be with someone else...and I don't want to stayaway...I wonder if his lips still taste the same...

He closed his eyes remembering how soft and sweet Akashi's kiss was. Or how passionate it could be when they let the kiss get out of control. He smiled. He was hopeless when it came to Akashi Seijurou.

-Yeah, I fell for him. - he whispered.- If I ever fell out of love with him in the first place.

Y/n sat up and picked his phone up. He unlocked it and called Seijurou. He didn't have to wait too long for him to pick up.

-Hello Y/n. - he said.

-Hey. - Y/n answered, suddenly feeling nervous. It was funny, it's not like he was confessing to his crush. Oh wait, it king of was. - I was wondering what are you doing on Friday evening.

-That's an interesting question. -answered Seijurou. - May I know why you ask?

-Your answer is the only thing that keeps you away from my reason. - Y/n said with a smirk.

-I'm free. - Seijurou responded slowly.

-How fortunate. - Y/n said softly. - I would like to ask you out on a date.

-Y/n...-Seijurou hesitated, before sighing. - I don't think I deserve a date with you.

-Sei, I want to give us a chance. - Y/n got more serious. - Will you really waste the opportunity? - Y/n gritted his teeth. He can't be serious. Seijurou didn't answer for few seconds, before he spoke up.

-You're right, I won't. - he finally said. - I will pick you up at six.

-Shouldn't be me who would be picking you up? - Y/n chuckled.

-Maybe, but I have a limousine. - Y/n could hear Seijurou smirking.

-Once I get my own car I promise to pick you up every time. - he said.

-I don't see a problem. - Seijurou answered.

They talked a bit more, Seijurou wanted to know how Y/n felt. He needed to make sure Y/n was fully okay. Once Y/n's mom called him for supper, they ended the call. Y/n left his room with a smile on his face.

-What got you in such a good mood? -asked his father.

-I have a date on Friday. - Y/n answered.

-With Akashi. - his mom said, not needing to ask. Y/n just nodded.

-If he breaks you heart again, I will break his neck. - warned his dad.

-No worries. - Y/n reassured them. - I have a good feeling about it this time.

-If you two still have feelings for each other after all this time, it may be something special. - his mom smiled. - He was by your side all the time when you were in the hospital.

-I gave you all a scare when they had to reanimate me. - Y/n looked down. - I promise to watch out more.

-We hold you on that. - his father sighed and ruffled his hair as they started eating.  

Fix him (SMR x Akashi Seijurou)Where stories live. Discover now