Chapter 29

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Y/n got back to working on his project. He didn't even tell Seijurou what exactly it was, he wanted to see if it actually had a possibility to success. All Akashi knew was that Y/n did some coding. After a week of hard work it was ready. Y/n released his creation and waited for the feedback.

-So you're done with that secret of yours. - Seijurou cleared, snuggling up to Y/n, who paid him a visit.

-Yes, now all my time and attention is with and for you. - Y/n answered, nuzzling Seijurou's neck.

He sighed in content as he had his boyfriend in his arms. He missed the time for closure just as much as Seijurou did. Y/n knew he didn't have to say anything to express that, this actions were enough to let Akashi know he knew neglected him and he was definitely make up for that.

-I would prefer if you used some of it for schoolwork. - said Akashi, playing with Y/n's hair. - Finals are coming close.

-I know. - Y/n pouted. - But no talking about the boring stuff when we are having out quality time. - he smiled. - It's only for us.

Y/n pecked Akashi's lips and pulled him closer. Seijurou kissed Y/n properly, he missed the affection. In recent days all he got was to sit on Y/n's bed and just be there with him as he worked. Occasional breaks Y/n took weren't enough. The kiss turned into a make-out session soon. Since it was close to dinner, that's all they could do without risking being interrupted. Soon they were called out for dinner by the butler.

Time skip

Few weeks later the Generation of Miracles met up for a match. Aomine couldn't shut up about the new game he found available to the phones. That picked Y/n's attention. He knew his app was getting popular, but hearing someone you know speak about it was something different.

-It's awesome. -he bragged. - Though I can't pass the mission twelve.

-Let me see. -said Midorima.

Y/n watched as his friends were getting more interested in Aomine's phone, than in the match they planned to play. It was amusing how hard they tried to figure out the way to survive the mission. Satsuki took her try too. For a moment Y/n thought she will pass it, but she made a mistake. Y/n knew there was only one right way and Seijurou was the closest to the right solution in the end.

-I have no idea how to win this. - Seijurou said, sure that there was no option to win. - Y/n, maybe you could try.

-Sure, watch this.- he answered, taking the phone out of Seijurou's grasp.

Y/n adjusted himself sitting on the ground as the others surrounded him. He steered the character to the victory without a single fail. His friends were surprised how fast Y/n passed the mission. Then he handed the phone to Daiki with unfazed face, as if it was no big deal.

-What, it was easy. - he said, already expecting the questions.

-None of us could win this. - Midorima pointed.

-Y/n could you tell me what was your project you finished not so long ago? -Seijurou already connected the dots.

-Okay. - Y/n sighed. - Yeah, I made that game.

-You did what?! -everyone apart from Akashi and Kuroko said together. They just looked at him surprised.

-It took me months to finish, but it's there and from what I see, people like it. - Y/n scratched the back of his head.

-You never fail to surprise me love. - Seijurou said smiling and shaking his head. - I'm proud of you.

-Thank you. - Y/n could feel the blush coming on his face.

-Are you getting money from this? - asked Kise.

-If people like the first five missions in the demo, they can purchase the whole thing, so yeah. - Y/n answered. - I wanted to celebrate it with you guys, but a bit later. Either way is fine with me, my treat in Maji Burger. - he offered.

They agreed on his proposition. They were planning to go there after their match. Aomine put his phone away and with that done, they started to choose the teams. Once the teams were determined, they started the match.  

Fix him (SMR x Akashi Seijurou)Where stories live. Discover now