Chapter 2

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Atsushi was getting back home. He munched on a chocolate bar when he stopped in his tracks. There was a lot of ruckus in the house next to his. It looked like someone was moving in. That house was empty for a while, so having new neighbors wasn't something pleasant to Murasakibara. His mother will probably want to meet them and she will take the whole family with her. Atsushi sighed and went to his house.

-I'm home. - he said as he took his shoes off.

-Welcome home. - said his mom. - eat the dinner, then we will go to meet out new neighbors. She noticed that her son was about to protest. - Be nice.

Atsushi sighed and focused on the food in front of him. He ravished a double portion of ramen, before making his way to his room. Once the truck with the boxes and furniture was gone, Mrs. Murasakibara gathered her family to welcome the new neighbors. She took a cake she prepared in her hands, before they left the house. She knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered.

The door were opened by a woman. Atsushi's mom introduced herself and the family to her. She let them inside and called out to her husband and son. Y/n's father walked up to her first, as Y/n was in his room. He walked downstairs slowly, not in a mood for meeting new people.

-This is Y/n, our son. - said his mother.

Y/n's eyes widened as he noticed Atsushi. Murasakibara was also looking at him shocked. Atsushi knew that Y/n blamed him for what happened in his life. Murasakibara never expected to see Y/n back in Japan. Y/n composed himself quickly.

-We know each other. - said Y/n. - From Teiko.

-Right, now I know why you seem familiar. - his mother smiled to the guests.

-Can we talk, Atsushi? - Y/n asked, using Murasakibara's first name, as he did to everyone. He nodded. Y/n led him outside. - How's it going?

-Not bad. - answered Murasakibara. He didn't know how to behave around Y/n.

-What about the others? - he asked. -Are you all going to the same school?

-No. - Atsushi shook his head. - We separated our ways. - they stood in silence for a moment. - I know you blame me for Aka-chin.

-Only because it was your fault. - Y/n answered. - You triggered his change and then he told me how useless of a distraction I was to him. How he never needed me and how he never loved me. - Y/n sighed. - But, that's in the past now. Let's start it all once more, as if it didn't happen. Tell me, did Satsuki finally get her kiss from Tetsuya?

-No. - answered Murasakibara. -Kuro-chin is with Aka-chin now.

That stung a bit, but Y/n ignored it. Good for them.

-Great. - Y/n smiled. - Anything else that I missed, while being away?

Murasakibara relaxed as Y/n listened to what he had to say. He told him about their first year in school, he mentioned old Akashi being back. He also told him how Aomine got his challenge and how Kise was a full time model now.

-I have a request. - said Y/n, after all the story.

-What is it? - asked Atsushi.

-Tell them I'm back, once you have a chance. - smiled Y/n. - You can even give them my number. I want to move on from the past without losing my friends I had so much fun with.

-No problem. - Atsushi agreed.

After that they went back inside and joined their families in the living room.

-Had a nice chat? - asked Atsushi's mother.

-Yes, we did. - nodded Y/n. - Can't wait to meet the rest of our friends.

-By the way Y/n, which school are you going to? - asked Murasakibara.

-Kaijou. - answered Y/n. - Why?

-Kise-chin is in Kaijou. - said Murasakibara.

-I didn't know. - Y/n smiled. - Can't wait for my first day then.

-For the first time in your life. -teased Y/n's father.

-Indeed. - Y/n just smirked as he took a piece of cake in his hand and bit it. - Delicious.

-Thank you. - Atsushi's mom smiled at the praise.

Murasakibara family spend two hours in their house, then they went back to their house. Y/n went to his room and laid down on his bed. He will be going to school with Kise. He wanted to take it slow when it came to meeting his friends, but the universe had different plans for that. It didn't turn out so be that bad so far though.

-We will see how it will go. - he said to himself.  

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