Chapter 16

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Akashi called Y/n to drag him out for another break from his project. Instead of hearing his voice, he heard Y/n's father telling him that Y/n was in a hospital after he got hit by a car. Akashi almost dropped his phone. He asked what hospital it was and the room number. Y/n's father wanted to refuse, but he remembered that Y/n didn't hold the grudge, so he did the same. He gave Akashi the info he asked for. Seijurou thanked him, then sent the info to their friends. After that, he was on the way to the hospital.

He told the driver to go as fast as he could. Seijurou needed to see Y/n. His mind was racing. He was scared for Y/n's condition. What if it was serious? Seijurou took a deep breath, then another. He tried to not to think about the worse.

He arrived soon. Seijurou jumped out of the limo without even waiting for the driver to open the door for him. He walked in the hospital quickly. He went to Y/n's room immediately. He knocked on the door, it was opened by Y/n's mother.

-How is he? - asked Seijurou. Y/n's mother let him in.

-Look for yourself. - she sighed. - The doctors are keeping him in coma. The damage was hard.

Seijurou walked up to Y/n's bed. He had scratches patched up on his face, bandage around his head and tubes in his mouth. The sight was heart wrenching. Seijurou's mind went blank. He didn't expect Y/n to be in such a bad condition. He started to feel scared.

The rest of their friends showed up an hour later. All of them were silent. Y/n's parents appreciated that all of them wanted to be there with Y/n. By the evening Y/n's parents told them to go to get some rest. They reluctantly agreed, but Seijurou refused to go. He said he will stay, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Time skip

Seijurou was staying in the hospital with Y/n or a week. He was told go go back home even by his father, but he refused. He was spending his nights sitting by Y/n's side, holding his hand or crying silently and begging for him to wake up. The doctors weren't giving Y/n much chance.

-You can't leave me like this. - he said. - I know I failed in the past, I need to make it all up to you. I need you back. If you go...I go too. - Seijurou took a shaky breath. - I won't be able to live my life without you. I don't care about my father's wealth, I don't care about my future. Nothing of that matters if you're gone. - Seijurou closed his eyes shut as the sobs took over him.

He cried himself to sleep. He woke up in the morning. Seijurou kissed Y/n's cheek before he walked out of the room for bathroom and a snack in the cafeteria. As he was walking back he saw doctors and nurses running in the direction of Y/n's room. When he saw they were indeed going in the room he felt his heart shatter. He saw through the open door as they were massaging his heart.

-Don't you dare Y/n. - he whispered, biting his bottom lip. - Don't you dare to leave.

Seijurou let out a relived breath when the beeping came back, signaling Y/n's heart started beating again. The doctors noticed that Y/n started breathing on his own, so they took the tubes out of his mouth. Seijurou was let in the room and sat down on the chair.

-Now I know why Aomine calls you an asshole. - said Seijurou. - You scared me.

Few hours later Y/n's parents arrived. The doctor informed them that Y/n had to be reanimated. The information that he started breathing was a little bit of hope for them. They once more told Seijurou to get some rest, but he refused, as expected. They were there until the evening once more. Akashi leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes for a nap. He fella sleep.

In the middle of the night, Y/n opened his eyes. He looked around and smiled lightly, seeing Seijurou at his side. He couldn't consider himself surprised. What annoyed him beyond belief were the tubes and needles in his veins. He cringes as he pressed the button to call the nurse in. Soon the door to his room opened. The nurse smiled at him.

-It's good to see you awake. - she whispered. - You were out for two weeks.

-Damn. - Y/n answered, suddenly feeling thirsty. The nurse handed him the glass of water.

-Do you need something? - she asked.

-Could you take these out of my forearms please? - he asked. - They are annoying, I won't be able to sleep with them.

-We need the doctors opinion, I will go and get her. - she answered.

-As silently as possible please, we don't want to wake him up. - he said looking at Seijurou.

-He was there ever since the first day.- she answered, before she left.

In the end the tubes were taken out. Then Y/n was able to sleep for the rest of the night. He was woken up by the sound of the door being opened and closed. He opened his eyes to see it was morning already. He contemplated on what should he do, pretend to sleep, or not. In the end he smiled, as the door opened.

Seijurou walked in and froze on the spot. He slammed the door behind him as he ran to Y/n's bed. He wrapped his arms around him. It was so hard to stop himself from kissing Y/n. Instead he nuzzled Y/n's neck and hold him tight.

-Don't you ever dare to scare me like this. - said Seijurou. He felt like crying again, this time out of relief. - Ever. How an adult man can have a problem with crossing the road?

-I'm sorry. - Y/n apologized. - It was stupid.

-You don't even imagine how scared I was that I will lose you completely, you fool. - Seijurou scolded. -What would I do without you...- his voice started to shake again. - I lost you as a lover, now I almost lost you from this world. You can't do this to me.

-Don't think about it. - Y/n didn't notice when he started to play with Seijurou's hair. He smiled lightly, it was just natural thing he used to do. And his closure felt good. It felt right.

-Let's call your parents and the others. - Seijurou said, pulling away. - They were worried sick as well.

-My phone was probably destroyed. -sighed Y/n.

-It was, but I have mine. - Seijurou answered, calling Y/n's parents.  

Fix him (SMR x Akashi Seijurou)Where stories live. Discover now