Chapter 19

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Y/n was getting ready for his date with Seijurou. He put a red shirt on with a black tie and black jeans with it. It was an intentional choice for their new first date. He knew Seijurou liked when he wore red in the past. Y/n hoped it didn't change.

Finally the limousine arrived. Seijurou wore a dark f/c shirt with black dress pants. He was standing at Y/n door, waiting for it to be answered. He felt nervous for some reason. He gasped softly when Y/n opened the door.

-You look stunning. - said Akashi.

-I know, your reaction told me everything. - Y/n answered with a small smirk on his face. - You look very handsome as well. Ready to go?

-Yes. - Seijurou nodded.

They went to the limousine and got in. Y/n told the driver the restaurant they had the reservation in. As the car started moving, Seijurou opened the bar in the car and handed Y/n his favorite energy drink, just like he did when they had their very first date in the past. Y/n smiled and accepted it. He opened the can and took a sip.

-Feels a bit like a deja vu. - Y/n said.

-It does. - smiled Seijurou. - That's the only thing that will feel this way. I swear you will not regret giving us a second chance.

-I believe you. - Y/n answered. - I believe in the both of us to make it work this time. - he said and intertwining their fingers together.

They held their hands like that until they arrived to the restaurant. The driver opened the door to the car for them. They got out of the car and went in the restaurant. They were approached by the waiter. Y/n told him they had a reservation. The waiter led them to their table, before he left them with the menus.

-Do you have... - Y/n started to talk, but he was cut off my Seijurou talking at the same time.

-They have good spaghetti with lobster here. - Seijurou said as if reading his mind, knowing very well what could be a good proposition for Y/n.

-That's exactly what I was looking at in the menu, but I couldn't decide. - Y/n answered.

They chuckled at this one more sign of how well they knew each other. Once they decided what they wanted to eat, they gave the order to the waiter. Y/n rested his chin on his hand, ready to flirt with Akashi at any moment.

-You're looking at me so dreamily. -said Seijurou. - A world for your thoughts.

-That's because you are my dream. -answered Y/n.

-I was a nightmare. - sighed Seijurou.

-I have a rule for us, no looking back at the bad times. - Y/n smiled. - We are making amends and moving on. All that's important is that we are together in the end.

-You are right. - Seijurou lightly smiled back.

-Mark my words Akashi Seijurou. - Y/n took Seijurou's hand in his. - I love you.

-I love you too Y/n. - Seijurou looked at their hands smiling. He couldn't contain his smile or hold Y/n's gaze at that moment. - You're the most important person in my life. I will not lose you again.

-Exactly, so stop worrying and enjoy our date. This and the ones that will come. - Y/n said softly. - And your smile is stunning.

Few minutes later their food was served. Y/n tasted his spaghetti and he had to admit Akashi's suggestion was right. It was delicious.

-You like it. - Seijurou smirked.

-Yes. - nodded Y/n. - It's delicious.

They ate in peace and talked a bit. Once the food was gone, Y/n paid for them before Akashi had a chance to do it. Then they had a walk in the park around the restaurant, holding hands. It was getting dark, soon it will be time to go home.

-I don't want to end this evening yet.- sighed Y/n.

-Me neither. - answered Seijurou. - If I lived alone, I would ask you to stay the night.

-I would gladly accept it. - Y/n purred in a response.

In the and they made their way to the car. The driver opened the door for them. Akashi pulled up the screen shutting them from the driver. Y/n wrapped his arm around Seijurou and pulled him closer. Seijurou leaned on his shoulder.

-I would like to live with you. - said Akashi, plying with Y/n's hand. - In the future.

-We will live together älskling. - Y/n answered and kissed Seijurou's temple.

-It's something related to love, right?- asked Seijurou.

-Yeah, equivalent to baby or love. -Y/n smiled. - When I was learning Swedish, it always brought me the thought about red. I missed you.

-I missed you too love. - Seijurou nuzzled Y/n's neck.

They arrived at Y/n's house. Seijurou and Y/n got out of the car and walked to Y/n's door. Y/n smiled at the moonlight shining. He smirked as the pulled Seijurou against his chest.

-There's one more thing that I have on my list to do today. - he said.

-What would it be? - asked Seijurou.

-May I get a kiss?

Seijurou didn't have to be told twice. He wrapped his arms around Y/n and kissed his lips. It wasn't like fireworks. It was like an explosion. They hugged each other so tight, they could mold into one. Their lips moved in sync together. The kiss was passionate, hungry and desperate. It was a release of all their feelings which were held back for so long. Y/n nibbled on Seijurou's bottom lip, demanding to be let in. Seijurou teased Y/n, not opening his mouth and smirking at him.

-Sweetheart, open your mouth, or I will start touching you in an inappropriate way. - Y/n warned, earning a chuckle from Seijurou.

-Alright, come here. - Seijurou pulled him in once more.

He opened his mouth, letting Y/n's tongue to dance with his. They kissed until they were left completely breathless. They pulled away with their eyes clouded with lust.

-With that done, I wish you a goodnight with a whole bunch of hot dreams about me. - said Y/n. -Because I will surely have them about you.

-Thank you love. - Seijurou answered, and pecked Y/n's lips once more, before they pulled away.

Y/n watched as Seijurou got in the limousine and drive off, before he walked in the house. He rested his back against the door with a wide smile on his face.  

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