Chapter 4

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Y/n and Kise were hanging out a lot. Apart from the times Kise was modeling. They were playing videogames, basketball, or just talked. Kise wanted to know everything about his time in Sweden. He told him about his friends and their basketball team. Y/n had a lot of funny stories to tell both from school and after-school activities.

-Looks like you replaced us. - Kise pouted.

-Nah, none of you is possible to replace. - chuckled Y/n. - Though I did run away from my problems.

-No one blamed you. - sighed Ryouta. -Our team broke down soon after you left. Everyone went their own way after Teiko. It took us a while to change our way of thinking and having fun out of playing basketball again. All thanks the Kurokocchi.

-He did a good job. - Y/n nodded. - I just hope Seijurou treats him right.

-You don't seem bothered by them being together. - said Kise.

-Why would I be? - Y/n chuckled. - I got hurt but I moved on, like an adult would do. After all the broken relationship isn't worth of losing at least five good friends. If I fall in love in the future, it's good. If not, I will be content with one night stands. I'm not desperate for a relationship.

Time skip

Y/n heard his phone ring. He grabbed it and looked at the screen, wanting to know who was calling him. Y/n cleared his throat before he picked up. He didn't have the contact in his phone, but he remembered the numbers by heart.

-Seijurou. - he said.

-So you're back indeed. - Y/n heard Seijurou's voice.

-Yeah. - Y/n didn't know what to say. It was more difficult to talk to Akashi, than he expected.

-Murasakibara said you wanted us all to meet up. - Seijurou mentioned, probably sensing the awkwardness.

-Yes, I want the air to clear a bit. - Y/n answered.

-Even between us?- Akashi sounded weird/

-Especially between us. - Y/n answered confidentially.

-You deserve an apology from me. - Seijurou said.

-No apologies. -Y/n cut him off. - I propose to pretend that our relationship never happened. And since there was no relationship, there was no break up. Now where should we meet? - he changed the subject quickly.

Seijurou and Y/n talked about the place suitable for their reunion. Once that was settled, Y/n hung up and got back to the book he was reading, no further thoughts about the person he just talked to.

Time skip

The meet up happened two days later. Murasakibara and Y/n were walking together. First they were supposed to meet up in the restaurant, then play some basketball on the court nearby. As they got near the entrance, Y/n opened the door. Both of them walked in and looked around to spot their friends. Y/n grinned when he heard Kise bickering with certain someone. Y/n knew he was spotted as he walked with Murasakibara behind him. He smirked.

-Hi guys. - he said.

-Y/n-kuuun! - Y/n almost got tackled as Satsuki jumped on his back and hugged him tight.

-Satsuki. - he smiled. He set her on the ground, turned around and hugged her tight. Next one in a queue for hugs was Aomine.

-Y/n you asshole!- grinned Aomine.

-Ahomine, oh how I missed you! - Y/n gave him a bear hug. Then he moved to Midorima.

-Welcome back. -smiled Shintarou

-Thanks. - Y/n answered.

Next one was Kuroko and Akashi in the end. Y/n hugged them as well, before they all got seated at the table and the waiter approached them to take their orders. Atsushi took a double portion of the main course for today, Satsuki, Aomine and Kise went for burgers. Kuroko ordered fried rice, Akashi took yudofu.

-What's for you sir? - he asked, when it was Y/n's turn.

-Yudofu as well please. - Y/n smiled, as the waiter wrote it down and left. - I missed it, can you believe that no place near my house back in Sweden didn't serve it?

-Kise-kun said you had fun there. - answered Kuroko.

-So much fun. -Y/n chuckled.

-Did you meet someone hot? - asked Aomine.

-Of course you'd want to know that. - laughed Y/n. - Yeah, I had few acquaintances, but nothing too serious.

-Few? That's not what you told me! - protested Kise.

-Alright, little more than few. - Y/n rolled his eyes.

The waiter served them their food and drinks. They talked a lot as they ate, joking and fooling around. Once Y/n took the first bite of his food, he was on the cloud nine. Coming back to Japan suddenly wasn't that bad. After eating, the waiter served Y/n and Murasakibara the desserts. Thing is that they didn't order them.

-Someone is hitting on you two. - teased Kise.

-I'm not surprised.- Y/n winked at him, before he started eating.

He grabbed a napkin that was brought with the dessert to wipe some of the crumbs from his face, before he smirked. He put the napkin away and grabbed a different one. Then he turned around and looked at the man and a girl whispering to each other behind the counter. On his napkin, there was a number and the girl's name. Y/n put the number in his phone.

-That's for later.- he said.

-How are you doing this? - whined Aomine.

-Personal charm. -Y/n smirked and finished his cake.  

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