Chapter 31

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Y/n arrived to Akashi's house on his bike. It was December 25th, the most romantic day in Japan. Him and Seijurou were supposed to meet with their friends. Y/n preferred to be alone with Seijurou, but he didn't oppose, when Kuroko called them. Y/n got off his bike and went inside the mansion. The butler let Seijurou know that Y/n was there. He met his lover few seconds later, ready to go, but something wasn't quite right.

-Hello love. - said Seijurou.

-Hey. - Y/n smiled. - Do you think this jacket will be warm enough for the bike? - Y/n asked, seeing Akashi's outfit.

-What would you recommend? - Seijurou asked.

-Something with longer collar, or you will catch a cold. - answered Y/n.

They went to Seijurou's room. Akashi showed Y/n the other jacket he had, and it was approved. Then they went to the bike. Y/n handed Seijurou a helmet, before he put his helmet on. He fought with himself to not to smirk, seeing Akashi's expression.

-Scared? - he asked.

-Of course not. - Seijurou answered and put the helmet on.

-Hold onto me and nothing bad will happen to you. - Y/n said before he got on.

Seijurou sat behind Y/n and wrapped his arms around his waist tightly. Y/n started the bike. Once it started moving, Seijurou's grip on Y/n tightened. It made him smile as he drove slowly, not wanting Seijurou to be even more scared. He didn't tease him about it either.

They arrived on the spot soon. Seijurou tried to hide the fact that his legs were all wobbly when they got off the bike. Y/n helped him stand as they took the helmets off. He pecked Seijurou's cheek with a light smile on his face.

-You did great babe, you're very brave.- he said to make Seijurou feel better.

-You're brave for riding this thing. -answered Seijurou. - Or crazy, I'm not sure.

Y/n chuckled at his lover's statement, before he spoke up. On the day like this he wouldn't allow himself to miss the opportunity to get flirty with his boyfriend.

-I'm crazy only for you. - he said, making Seijurou smile a bit. - And don't worry, in few months I will get a car.

Y/n took Seijurou's hand in his as they walked in the restaurant. They spotted their friends at one of the tables. They were spotted by Kise, who started waving at them. He told the others that the two arrived. Their attention was on Y/n and Seijurou.

-Hey guys. - Y/n smiled.

-We hope we didn't make you wait for long. - added Seijurou.

-Not at all. - answered Kuroko. Ogiwara was sitting next to him.

They took their jackets off and sat down at the table. The waitress walked up to them and asked if everyone were present and if they were ready to make their orders. They picked what they wanted. Y/n just copied Seijurou's order.

-They have nice music here. - said Y/n.

-You can send the sms to the DJ over there and he will play whatever you want with the dedication. - said Aomine. - I dedicated this to Kise.

-Daiki, I would never say you could get so sappy. - Y/n teased, making others chuckle.

-Look who's talking. - answered Aomine.

They chuckled, until Y/n shut up in surprise. He heard that the next song was dedicated to him. He smiled as he recognized it immediately. (Play 'Bryan Adams – Everything I do' if you want) Y/n looked at Seijurou, he was smirking. Y/n smiled and pecked his cheek, before he texted the DJ as well.

-Now the reply from Y/n to Seijurou. - said the DJ after the song ended. It was followed by the one Y/n picked for his boyfriend. (Play 'Europe – Cry for you')

Seijurou smiled as Y/n put his arm around him and started playing with his hair. Small gesture that meant a world for Seijurou. If someone told him a year ago that Y/n would be back at his side, in love with him, he wouldn't believe. Kuroko smiled seeing how Akashi's eyes were sparking every time he looked at Y/n. He was right, they were meant to be together.

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