Chapter 26

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The day of the semi-finals came quickly. Y/n was standing on the court in his blue outfit, ready to play against Touou. Y/n kept smirking as Kise and Aomine were stealing glances at each other. He looked up at the audience. He smiled seeing his lover among the Rakuzan players. Kaijou was the first to play in the semi-finals.

-Are you ready? - Y/n asked Kise.

-Yes, can't wait for the match to start. - was the answer.

The tip-off happened soon.

Time skip

-Daiki, don't be a pouter. - Y/n said, shaking Aomine's hand after the match. - It was really difficult to play against you.

-Right, especially when you threw the ball over your shoulder in the middle of the court and scored. - Aomine answered, agitated.

-Ryouta had fun covering you though. - chuckled Y/n. He smiled wider when only mentioning Kise to Aomine was enough to change his mood.

-I had fun too. -he said. - Have fun with Akashi in the finals.

They chuckled and pat each other's backs before they moved to the next player to thank them for the match. Then the usual break took place. Both teams showered quickly and made their way to the audience. Kaijou took the spot previously taken by Rakuzan and watched the match that was about to start.

Y/n waited for his lover to come out of the building, where the semi-finals took place. He smiled as he noticed the group he was waiting for. He walked up to them, earning their attention.

-Hey. - he smiled.- Good job.

-Thank you, you did very well against Aomine too. - answered Seijurou. - We are going to the restaurant nearby to celebrate. Care to join us?

-Sure. - Y/n said.- I can't wait to play against you guys.

-We practiced a lot. - said Kotarou. - You won't allow you to win. - he added, visibly exited.

-I appreciate it.- answered Y/n.

Somehow he felt accepted in the group. They went in the restaurant and made their orders. Y/n was surprised with how much Nebuya could eat. Right before Y/n was about to make his order, Seijurou ordered for him, as if reading his mind. Y/n chuckled, yudofu and a steak afterwards.

-You know me perfectly well. - he said.

-Of course I do. -Seijurou smirked.

Y/n spent the afternoon with Rakuzan. Then he went home with Seijurou to have their own little celebration. They put on a movie on Y/n's laptop and watched it as they were laying on his bed, snuggled up to each other. Y/n couldn't help himself but distract Seijurou all the time. He nibbled on his earlobe, rubbed circles on his sides or stole kisses from him.

-What are you trying to do? - Seijurou asked chuckling.

-Trying to get in your pants, obviously. - Y/n answered, purring.

-You could have just asked. - Akashi smirked and gasped as Y/n immediately rolled on top of him.

Seijurou pulled Y/n closer for a kiss, that was immediately returned. The clothes started to come off soon after. Seijurou ran his finger down Y/n's abs.

-Come closer, let me add some hickeys to the one I already left on you. - he said, pulling Y/n closer.

-Help yourself. -Y/n purred.

Y/n and Seijurou kissed and marked each other until their couldn't wait anymore. Y/n slipped his finger inside of Akashi to prepare him. Seijurou started jerking him off and teased him. Once Y/n was sure his lover was ready, he retracted his fingers. He took the bottle of lube out of his drawer and covered his cock in it. He lined up with Akashi's entrance, before he pushed himself in. Seijurou let out a silent moan as Y/n filled him up.

-Go on, move. -said Seijurou.

Y/n kissed him passionately as he started to roll his hips. Seijurou kissed Y/n's shoulder and whispered in his ear how good he made him feel. His raspy half whisper was driving Y/n crazy and he knew that. Y/n thrusts soon turned into a pounding until both of them were about to finish. With few rough final thrusts their orgasms hit them, leaving them panting with smiles on their faces.

-Round two in the shower? - Y/n asked.

Seijurou didn't have to answer. He took Y/n's hand in his and pulled him to the bathroom.  

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