Chapter 5

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For the next few days Kise seemed to be annoyed with Y/n. He didn't get what could anger his blonde friend, so he cornered him after the practice, right after they went past the school's gate. Y/n trapped him against the wall and demanded explanation.

-So? - he growled as Kise had a blush on his face.

-Did you call that girl from the restaurant? - Ryouta asked finally.

-No. - Y/n shook his head. - What does it have to d...- Y/n widened his eyes as the thought hit him. - Wait. You were jealous?

-Yes. - Kise muttered, looking away.

-Then I think I have a date on Friday.- Y/n smirked. - Where do you want to go?

-You didn't even ask me if I want to goon a date. - Kise tried to tease.

-I'll give you a kiss. - Y/n offered.

-Give me a kiss. - nodded Kise.

Y/n pulled the blonde closer and connected their lips in a sweet kiss. Kise wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck to pull him even closer. Y/n smirked in the kiss as he licked Kise's bottom lip. Ryouta led Y/n's tongue to dance with his for a while, before they pulled away, both breathless.

-That was one hell of a kiss. - Y/n grinned.

-I want more, so I will go on a date with you. - answered Kise.

-Wouldn't have it any other way. - Y/n said, letting Kise go.

They walked together until it was time to part ways. Kise went to the train station, while Y/n jumped on his skateboard and skated home. Y/n kept smiling as he skated. He didn't notice that Kise had a crush on him and it made him happy. After that kiss, Y/n could let his own crush bloom. He felt lucky to have someone like Ryouta interested in him.

-I'm home. - he announced as he stepped in the house.

-Welcome home. - he heard his mom's voice. - You're in a good mood.- she said seeing her son walking further in the house, with a smile on his face. - Did something happened?

-I may be in love. - he answered.

-That's wonderful. - she smiled. - Boy or a girl?

-Boy. - Y/n wasn't surprised with the question. His parents knew about his sexuality and didn't mind as long as he was happy. - It's Ryouta.

Y/n got to eating the dinner, then it was time for his homework. After that, he had a language lessons on his list. He was taking quick breaks all the time, since he was texting with Kise until late hours. Right before going to sleep Y/n called Ryouta to tell him goodnight, instead of just texting it. He made sure to make his voice soft and deep.

-Stop talking like that. - whined Kise.

-Why do you want me to stop? - he said smirking, his tone husky and deep.

-You'll give me hot dreams. - Kise was smiling, Y/n could hear it.

-Dream baby, I will make it reality when we will have a chance. - Y/n purred. - Goodnight.

-Night sleep tight. - answered Kise, before they hung up.

Time skip

Next morning Y/n basically flew to the train station, where he planned on picking up Kise and walking to school with him. He texted Ryouta about it and once the train arrived, he quickly noticed him. Y/n wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

-Hello there baby.- he whispered in his ear.

-Hey. - Ryouta smiled.

-Had any nice dreams? - Y/n asked as they walked.

-A little, I wish you made them hotter. - flirted Ryouta.

-Don't worry, I will. - Y/n answered smiling. - Maybe I should give you some hickeys to dream about.

-Please do. - Kise gave him a lustful look, knowing very well what he was doing to Y/n.

Y/n just smirked and spanked Kise's booty, making him jump a bit surprised.

-We are in public!- Kise scolded Y/n, but since he was smiling, it didn't have a right result.

-It was just a small spank, not a make-out session. - Y/n chuckled. - Which was exactly what we did yesterday.

Kise blushed and changed the subject to the school matters for the rest of their road to school.  

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