Chapter 18

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During school on the day after Y/n's conversation with Seijurou, he was in a very good mood. No one, even the teachers couldn't bring it down. During the practice he was basically flying to the basket, scoring one dunk after the other, along with some three-pointers too. He felt like he could move mountains.

-What got you so happy? - chuckled Kise. He was in the opposite team and Y/n was serving his butt on the plate without much effort.

-I have a date tomorrow. - Y/n answered. - Guess with who.

-Akashicchi. - Kise said, already knowing an answer. Y/n nodded, confirming it, and threw the ball behind himself, earning an effective two-pointer. - Finally.

-Says the one who's beating around the bush with Daiki. - teased Y/n.

That caused Kise and Y/n to battle more fiercely. Y/n had a lot of fun when Kise tried to use ankle breaker on him. Y/n just smirked and stole the ball from Kise, before he used Ankle Breaker on him. Kise didn't manage to fight it and fell back. Y/n never told anyone how he could withstand it. That was his little secret.


Seijurou also had a practice. They got a freshman into the team, Seijurou had more patience to him than ever. He wasn't as talented as the Uncrowned Kings and Seijurou, but he tried his best. Unfortunately the other Miracles, and their teams, will know immediately who's their weakest point. Seijurou needed to hide it somehow. It was frustrating, but all it took to brighten his mood up, was a thought about the upcoming date.

-Sei-chan is blooming today. - said Reo.

-I never saw him like that. - answered Nebuya.

-It must be someone special. - nodded Kotarou.

They weren't exactly silent, so Seijurou could hear them. He smiled before responding to his friends. The smile went on his face on it's own.

-I'm not afraid to say he's the love of my life. - he said. - And I finally know for sure, that he loves me back. Enough talking though, we have to get prepared for Interhigh.

Time skip

Y/n got home after practice, quite tired. He was worried if he overdid it, but at the same time he trusted the supplements he was taking. If he would be sore, then he really overdid it. He took a shower and changed in sweats. Then he found a note from his mom, saying that his parents were working until late and that the dinner was in the fridge. Y/n warmed up just a bit, he didn't feel like eating too much. Then he took the food to his room and turned his computer on. He watched some videos on YouTube before his phone rang.

-Hello Seijurou. -he greeted in somehow formal manner.

-Good afternoon Y/n. - Seijurou did the same. - How are you?

-Not bad. - Y/n answered. - Ryouta knows about us. He noticed I was happy, asked about it, I didn't want to lie.

-It's okay, my teammates noticed that too. - answered Seijurou. - And it warms my heart to hear you are happy.

This kind of conversation felt like a big tease for Y/n. If Seijurou would be here next to him, he could kiss the hell out of him immediately and it would be highly possible, that they would lose control over that kiss. He wanted him badly.

-It is interesting in my eyes that would teammates noticed something was up with you. -Y/n said. - You are so composed and proper most of the time.

-I still can't believe my luck. - Seijurou's soft tone made his heart skip a beat.

They talked for half an hour, before Seijurou had to do his homework. Neither of them wanted to end the call, but they did. Y/n put his phone away before he leaned back in his armchair and sighed, looking at the ceiling and trying to calm down the blush he felt on his face.

-He has no idea what's he's doing to me. - Y/n said to himself. - Who does he think he is to talk to me so sweetly? - Y/n pouted, before he smiled. -He's my Seijurou and I love him.  

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