Chapter 20

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On the next day after the date Y/n woke up in a really good mood. He grabbed his phone to check the time and he smiled seeing a good morning message from Seijurou. Y/n thought about texting back, but he had a better idea. He recorded him a message with his morning voice and send him a picture of himself laying in the bed with messy hair. He sent it, before he got up and started getting ready for his day. He didn't have to wait long for the answer. His phone was buzzing, signaling the incoming call.

-Good morning my beloved. - Y/n said with a smile.

-Good morning, you made me choke on my tea. - answered Akashi. - Don't you dare to tell me you want me to choke on something else.

-I would want that, yes. - Y/n chuckled. - And I'm up for any punishment you want to put me through for saying that.

-You will beg for mercy. - warned Seijurou.

-Wonderful. - Y/n answered. - How is my handsome boyfriend this morning?

They talked for the next half an hour, planning to hang out with their friends later. Y/n went to the kitchen with the phone still by his ear. He ended the call because his father was getting the breakfast ready.

-Hey. - Y/n said.

-I see that the date went well. - his dad chuckled.

-Yeah, better than I imagined it would.- Y/n answered, sitting down at the table.

-I'm happy to hear the love is blossoming. - Y/n's mom joined the conversation as she walked out of the bathroom. - Otherwise that boy will have to deal with me.

-No need to worry. - Y/n smiled. - The date reassured me even more than I was before. I believe in us.

Y/n and his family had breakfast, after that he started getting ready to meet his friends. He grabbed a hoodie, because it was getting cloudy and his wallet before he was ready. He took his skateboard and walked out of the house. He skated to the court they usually met up at. Few minutes later he was on the spot.

-Hey boys. - he said, greeting them. -Seijurou didn't arrive yet?

-He's at the store over there with Murasakibara. - answered Kuroko.

-One on one for the warm up. - said Aomine, throwing the ball at Y/n without warning. Y/n caught it and smirked.

-Bring it on. - he answered. - You can start. - he added, throwing the ball back to Daiki.

Others chuckled and sat back, while Y/n and Daiki walked to the middle of the court. Aomine tried to come up with a way to go past Y/n, but it wasn't easy. Y/n was very flexible player, he could play at any position needed with a success. Ace against ace? No problem.

-Are you playing or will we stand here until tomorrow? - Y/n asked, smirking.

-You won't, because I arrived. - they heard Akashi say. Y/n turned to him. - Hello my love, I have something for you. - he said and handed Y/n an energy drink. Y/n accepted it and kissed Seijurou's cheek.

-Hey babe, thanks. - he said, then glanced at their friends, who suddenly went silent. - What?

-You two got back together? - asked Satsuki.

-Yes, we did. - answered Seijurou.

-Interhigh will be interesting. -teased Kise.

-Oh get ready, we are playing against Rakuzan in the finals. - Y/n chuckled.

-Like hell you will. - answered Aomine.- This year finals are for me.

-Dream on. - Y/n taunted.

Y/n and Daiki bickered for a bit, until Kise reminded them they were all planning on playing together. Daiki immediately proclaimed that he wanted to be in an opposite team to Y/n and they ended up choosing the teams. They tossed the coin, Y/n was the one to start.

-Seijurou. - he said who he chose.

-Kise. - answered Aomine.

-Shintarou. - Y/n swayed his hips from one side to the other.

-Tetsu. - Kuroko went to Aomine's side.

-I want to play with Tetsu too! - said Satsuki.

-Then my only choice can be Atsushi. -Y/n chuckled.

With the teams formed, they got on different sides of the court and started playing. Kise was copying Murasakibara to match him in the tip-off, but Atsushi got to the ball first. He threw it in Y/n's direction. He caught it and threw it in the direction of Aomine's basket. High enough to be impossible to stop. Three points for Y/n.

The match ended after twenty minutes of heated match. They were all on the ground, tired. Satsuki first, but she held on for her team like a hero. None of them had a problem with that, she didn't work out as hard as they did.

-It's not fair. - said Kise. - You had two captains.

-I can't understand why they didn't appoint Y/n-chin as the captain in Kaijou. - said Murasakibara.

-They didn't? - Akashi asked. - Why?

-Because senpais would feel bad. - Y/n chuckled.

-That's a nonsense. - Seijurou shook his head.

-Well, not my decision to dwell on. -Y/n chuckled. - Let's grab something to eat. - Everyone agreed. They got up and went to Maji Burger.  

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