Chapter 30

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Y/n started coming to school in his motorbike as soon as he received his license. He was the talk of the school whenever he arrived there and took his helmet off. He even received few confessions, but he couldn't accept them. After all heal ready belonged to someone. 

-I'm getting a bike too. - Kise chuckled, as they walked to the parking lot. - You have way more fans than me.

-You can take them all anytime. - Y/n answered.

-Right, all you need is Akashicchi. -Kise teased.

-Look who's talking, Daiki's number one fanboy. - Y/n chuckled as he got on his bike and put the helmet on. -See you tomorrow. - he said and started the engine. He revved it up playfully before he drove off, waving at his friend. Kise waved back and watched as Y/n turned left.

-He's definitely going to Kyoto. - Kise chuckled, before he started walking to the train station.

Y/n was indeed going to meet Seijurou. All the traffic didn't matter for him as he swung between the cars. He loved that nothing was stopping him on his way. He arrived way faster then when he was taking the train or a car. Y/n stopped right in front of the mansion. He stopped the engine, took the helmet off and ran his hand through his hair to make them less messy.

-My goodness. - he heard Seijurou say. He looked up to see his boyfriend walking up to him. He was still sitting on the bike, when he got kissed on the lips. - You look very tempting.

-Then give in to the temptation. - he purred.

-First we will have dinner. - Seijurou answered. - I don't want to get interrupted and I have to make sure you're eating well.

-We have a deal. - Y/n agreed.

They pulled away from each other so Y/n could get off his bike. Then he went to Seijurou's bedroom, where he left his equipment. Seijurou led Y/n to the garden as they were waiting for dinner. They walked slowly hand in hand and talked for a bit, until the food was ready.

-Your dad is not here today? - Y/n asked.

-It looks like he would be working longer. - Seijurou answered, giving him a suggestive look.

-What a coincidence. - Y/n said innocently.

Once the plates were empty, they went to Seijurou's room. Seijurou pulled Y/n close even before he managed to lock the door. He pulled Y/n to the bed and pushed him back on it.Y/n fell on the bed with a grin on his face. He was about to tease him about how eager he was, but he was shut up with Seijurou's lips on his again. Seijurou straddled his boyfriend and kissed him passionately, not allowing him to pull away.

Y/n put his hands on Seijurou's bottom and squeezed it. After a moment they started pulling each other's clothes off. Y/n tried to roll on top of Seijurou, but he wasn't allowed to. Akashi pinned Y/n to the bed by his wrists, earning a chuckle from him.

-You are my tool for today. - Seijurou said when they were fully naked. - I will use you for my own pleasure. You have nothing to say.

-I can't wait. - Y/n had pure lust in his eyes at this point and Seijurou loved the look he was receiving.

Seijurou reached behind him and pulled something out. Y/n widened his eyes as he noticed it was a buttplug. Seijurou smirked at his reaction, pleased with it. Seijurou lowered himself on Y/n's cock and let out a moan. He started bouncing in Y/n's lap, having all of his pleasure he wanted. Y/n's hands were wandering on his body. Seijurou moaned as he felt Y/n's tongue on his nipples and chest. Seijurou shuddered when he felt Y/n's cock hit his prostate. Y/n noticed that and smirked as he started rolling his hips to abuse it dead on. He continued that until both of them were reaching their climaxes. They came together and collapsed on the bed, panting hard.

-Are you satisfied? - asked Y/n.

-Yes. - Seijurou nodded. - Though I would prefer if we went to the shower and have one more round.

-Let's go then. - Y/n grinned.

-I knew you wouldn't miss an opportunity. - Seijurou chuckled, before they got up.

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