Chapter 13

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Kise was confused for a while. He was happy with his boyfriend, they had adorable dates and great sex, he didn't need anything more. The fact that he felt his heart skip a beat whenever Aomine was around felt wrong. It was wrong. Especially that their relationship went well. 

-Ryouta, focus. - he snapped out of his thoughts, hearing Y/n's words.

They were studying at Kise's place, getting ready for the finals. The problem was that Y/n didn't understand the material they were studying, neither did Kise. Since they couldn't figure it out apart, they tried together, but it didn't bring any good solution either.

-Sorry. - apologized Kise. - We need help.

-I'll call Shintarou. - Y/n said, taking his phone out of his pocket. It was a good idea. Midorima was helping them a lot during Teiko times.

Unfortunately it turned out that Shintarou wasn't available. He was helping Takao already with a different subject. Midorima complained to him how Takao was messing around all the time and teasing him.

-No problem, we will live. - Y/n answered with a smile. - You need a lot of patience.

-Your call was a good distraction. -answered Midorima. - Maybe call Akashi. - Y/n widened his eyes for a brief second, before he composed himself.

-He's probably busy. - Y/n answered. -But maybe Tetsu would have a moment. Satsuki is probably tuting Ahomine.

They chuckled before they ended the call. Kise heard what was said, so he sighed as Y/n put the phone away.

-He won't help us. - said Y/n.

-Maybe we really should call Akashicchi. - answered Ryouta.

-He has finals himself. - Y/n muttered.

-He is always up with the material. -reasoned Kise. - It feels like you're looking for excuses to not to meet him.

Y/n hid his face in his hands before he ran them though his hair. He sighed deeply.

-If you called him, I'm sure he wouldn't refuse to you. - Kise added.

-I have a feeling you're trying to tell me something. - said Y/n.

-You know what I want to say. -answered Ryouta. - Both of us know how he looks at you. He's trying to hide it, but once he thinks no one is watching, it's visible. He didn't move on.

-I know and that's why I don't want to call him. That's why Kuroko broke up with him. - Y/n leaned back in the chair, forearms crossed against his chest. - This is messed up.

The sudden change of Y/n's mood brought a question to Kise's mind.

-Have you moved on? - he asked. - Like, really moved on without any feelings towards him.

Y/n didn't respond for a moment before he took a deep breath.

-That's a very good question. - he said. - Our relationship is great, I'm happy...but at the same time something is missing. - Kise smiled lightly, Y/n voiced exactly what was bothering him recently.

-I have a similar feeling. - he said.

-Who? - asked Y/n.

-Aominecchi. - Kise answered making Y/n roar in laughter.

-Good luck. - he said though laughs.

-Y/ncchi, show some support. I know I will need luck and patience. - Kise chuckled too.

-You will. - Y/n wrapped his arm around Kise's shoulders. - Do you think about the same as I do?

-I think so. - the blonde nodded.

-It was great to be your boyfriend. -said Y/n.

-Same here. - answered Ryouta. - Now let's call Akashicchi, we really need help.

Y/n picked up his phone and chose Akashi's number. The call was answered very quickly, surprising Y/n. Kise just held back his laugh, as he expected that to happen.

-Hello Y/n. - said Akashi.

-Hi, let me get straight to the point.- Y/n answered. - Are you busy?

-It depends on what do you need. -Akashi sounded uninterested. Y/n knew those tricks already.

-Me and Ryouta need help with studying.- he said.

-Call Midorima. - Akashi quickly answered.

-He's babysitting Takao. - chuckled Y/n. - We need your help.

-Where are you? - Akashi asked with a sigh.

-Kise's place. - Y/n answered. -Thanks.

Akashi hung up. Y/n looked at Kise, who bursted in laughter.

-I told you he'd agree. - said Kise.

-Yeah. - Y/n smiled lightly, before he gathered his notes.

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