Chapter 14

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Y/n smirked seeing his score on the test. Akashi taught him well. Kise had only one point less than him. Both of them owed Akashi a favor. Y/n sent Akashi a message with his score, as promised. Seijurou replied few minutes later, telling him that he deserved a reward. Y/n put his phone away, not wanting to dwell on Akashi's words.

After school and the practice Y/n gritted his teeth. He wanted to go to the car show, but he wasn't quick enough, the tickets were sold out already. He was very disappointed and it stayed with him until the afternoon. He was playing on his console when his mother called out to him, telling him he had a guest.

-Seijurou? - Y/n was surprised.

-I'm sorry I come unannounced. - said Seijurou. - I hope I don't disturb you.

-No, not at all. - Y/n answered and invited Seijurou to his room, after getting them something to drink.- What brings you here?

-What are you doing on Saturday? -Seijurou answered with a question.

-I was thinking on going to Kyoto Motor Show, but I was late with the tickets. - Y/n sighed. - So I'm free.

-No date with Kise? - Seijurou asked.

-Me and Ryouta broke up. - announced Y/n. - He will be chasing Daiki now so it will be extremely amusing.- he chuckled.

-Oh. - was all Akashi said. Y/n decided to not to ask him about it. Seijurou cleared his throat. - Regarding Saturday, what would you say if I invited you for a certain car show?

-HOW?! - Y/n was shocked, the tickets were sold out very quickly.

-I am Akashi, I have my ways. -Seijurou smirked. - So?

-What do you want in return? - Y/n was ready to do anything. Akashi had some ideas, but he figured out that pushing Y/n wouldn't be the best option. Him being single was enough.

-Consider it a reward for passing the test. - he answered. - So are you accepting my offer, or should I ask someone else.

-Don't you dare. - Y/n answered. - I'm coming with you.

-Perfect. - Seijurou smiled.

Time skip

Y/n couldn't wait for Saturday. Once it arrived, Y/n was ready at 8 AM already, waiting for Akashi's limo to pick him up, as planned. Y/n had his phone fully charged, with an empty memory card in for the pictures. He was going to snap so many of them.

The limousine arrived around half past eight. Akashi got out of the car and walked up to Y/n's door. Before he managed to knock in it, the door opened, revealing Y/n.

-Hey. - grinned Y/n.

-I see you are ready. - said Seijurou with a light smile.

-Yeah, I didn't want to keep you wait.- Y/n answered as they walked to the car.

-For the first time in my life. -teased Seijurou.

-Savage as always. - Y/n chuckled.

They got in the backseat of the limousine and with that, the car started moving. Seijurou offered Y/n a cold energy drink from the bar in the car, which was accepted. Y/n smiled slightly, Seijurou knew him and his routines very well. He remembered them though all these years. Even the brand of the drink was his favorite.

They arrived to the spot soon. The driver opened the door for them and drove off, as instructed by Seijurou. They walked up to the entrance. Akashi showed the two tickets to the staff. They got scanned and with that Y/n and Seijurou were allowed to roam all over the car show.

Y/n was dragging Seijurou to every single car that was on the show. He was taking photos from the front, sides and the back of each vehicle. Seijurou couldn't help but smile, seeing how happy Y/n was. He wanted to see him like that all the time. He even had to admit he had a good time watching the show of cars drifting on pairs and in groups. Y/n was recording the drift rounds with a wide smile on his face.

Then it was time for the introduction of the new cars that were coming on the market. Y/n knew he would never be able to afford any of them, but still he found himself taking pictures and checking them out. Akashi was getting tired, but Y/n was full of energy.

They spent there whole day, taking breaks for food at the food trucks area. By the end of the show Akashi called the driver. He picked them up half an hour later.

-I'm tired. - said Y/n.

-I'm not surprised. - answered Akashi.- But I take it that you had fun.

-I did. - Y/n nodded. - Thank you.

Seijurou smiled and nodded. They exchanged their goodbyes once the limo arrived to Y/n's house. Y/n closed the door behind him and Akashi immediately felt lonely. As the car was driving to the mansion, Seijurou smiled at the memories of the past day spent with Y/n. He will definitely fight for another occasion to get his attention.  

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