Chapter 9

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Y/n kept whining during the practice, effectively annoying Coach Takeuchi. Everyone understood him though, it was very hot outside and that caused the gym to be really hot as well. It was hard to catch the breath after a bit of activity. Takeuchi thought about what they could do, until the idea came to his mind.

-Tomorrow we will go to the swimming pool. - he said. - Today you are going home, you can't practice like this.

-Takeuchi-sensei for president! -cheered Y/n.

-Shut up or I'll punch you. - warned Hayakawa. - You're too loud.

-I'm sorry. - Y/n apologized and got quiet.

Ryouta wanted to stand up for his man, but he knew it would roll in a circle. Hayakawa would punch him, Y/n would get angry, Hayakawa would hit him and Kise would get angry, soon and on. They all grabbed their stuff and left the gym.

Outside wasn't much better. Y/n got invited to Kise's place, so he texted his parents to let them know about it. His mom just asked if he would be back home for the night. He smirked.

-Baby, my mom asks if I will be home tonight. - he said to Kise. - What should I answer?

-Tell her you'll stay the night. -Ryouta answered with a small blush. For once he was thankful for the hot weather. If Y/n would tease him, he could blame the heat.

Y/n texted his mother and put the phone back in his pocket. Then he wrapped his arm around Ryouta's waist as they walked to the train station.

-Wait. - said Y/n, stopping them. - The train will be crowded, we should take a cab.

-You're right. - agreed Kise. He called for the cab. - We have to wait fifteen minutes.

-Not bad. - answered Y/n.

They talked about random stuff and flirted a bit until the cab arrived. Y/n let Kise in first, then got in himself. Kise told the driver where to go and the car started driving. The AC was on, so it was a nice change from the hot weather outside. Even the traffic didn't bother the m that much. Forty minutes later they were right under Kise's place door. They paid for the cab and went inside. First thing Y/n did after putting his bag away was taking his shirt off.

-What are you doing? - asked Ryouta, not able to take his eyes off Y/n's chest.

-It's hot here. - Y/n answered.

-Let's have a quick snack, then we will take a bath. - offered Kise.

-Deal, but you're taking your shirt off, I hoped you will do it right after me. - Y/n pouted, earning a chuckle from Ryouta. He took his shirt off and pecked Y/n's lips. That wasn't enough to cure his pout.

Y/n quickly wrapped his arms around Ryouta's waist and kissed him properly. He just had to take that opportunity.

They went to the kitchen and got to cooking. Y/n somehow managed to keep his hands to himself for most of the time. They ate slowly, neither of them was really hungry after the practice. Once they were done, they cleaned up after their food and made their way to the bathroom. Kise started the water. They took their clothes off and got in the water. Y/n leaned back and sighed as the cool water brought some relief. Kise couldn't help but kiss his cheek.

-This water will boil from us in here.- said Ryouta.

-Because we are still overheated from the weather or because we are so damn handsome? - Y/n asked with a smirk.

-Both. - Ryouta chuckled leaning his head on Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n's fingers started playing with Ryouta's hair. Somehow his mind went to how he played with some other hair, in different color. He frowned. Why, of all moments, he was thinking of Seijurou right now? Ryouta had his eyes closed, so he didn't notice his expression. Y/n kissed Ryouta's forehead and nuzzled his hair. Y/n was in a well-going relationship with Ryouta, there was no place for Akashi in his head.

-Babe, lets watch a movie. - proposed Y/n.

-Did you mean play a movie and completely ignore it as we make out? - Ryouta raised his eyebrow.

-That's exactly what I meant. - Y/n grinned in response.

They got out of the water, dried off and put their clothes on. The couple made their way to the living room for their make-out session with the movie in the background.  

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