The Fieldtrip

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Quick note before I begin, I know Lost and Found was supposed to be next, but I realized a bit of a problem with that. I promise I will get to it as soon as the issue is resolved! Thank you for understanding.

The class of 1-A was buzzing with excitement. They were just informed that they were going on an unscheduled Fieldtrip on their second day of high school too! Typically Iida, a rather uptight fellow with glasses and Engines in his calves, didn't condone such a thing so early in their learning, but it was UA so he allowed himself to get excited about the event as well. The door to the classroom slid open, dulling down the buzz that spread throughout the room. In stepped their homeroom teacher, Aizawa. He was a pretty tired and scruffy looking man who wore black on a daily basis and tended to sleep during class, from what they'd seen. They'd also seen a bit of what he could do though, he was not someone to be messed with. "Alright 1-A. If you'll just follow me, we can get this done and over with.." Seats screeched as the all excitedly followed after their teacher.


Their excitement dulled down to confusion once they realized that instead of going to the busses, they were being led deeper into the school grounds. "Mr. Aizawa sir, aren't the busses that way, ribbit?" Asui, a frog like girl with dark green hair, asked. "Yes." The teacher confirmed, sending the class into a confused murmur. "Where we are going is on school grounds, but it's not actually part of the school. It's a privately owned small facility owned by the Principal rather than the government." He continued. "But if it's owned by Principal Nezu, then why are we going there?" Midoriya, a green haired and green eyed boy with freckles, questioned, more to himself than anything. "BECAUSE!" A mighty voice boomed, causing the class to grow excited and their teacher to sigh in slight annoyance. "If you are all going to be students here at UA," A much quieter, more gentlemanly voice continued from atop the shoulder of the first speaker, a man they all knew well, All Might the Symbol of Peace and number one pro hero. "You need to know the secondary reason for UA's existence." The Principal concluded.


Principal Nezu hopped down from All Might's shoulder to address the classes confusion and let them into the small, metal shed they now stood in front of. "Yes young students, there is a secret secondary reason for the existence of UA that is kept far from public knowledge. If you follow me inside, I will explain." The inside of the elevator was bigger than the outside made it appear, the contraption fitting all twenty students and three teachers with room to spare. "Now, what you all know is that our superhuman society started at random, that is all most of the public knows and it must be kept that way so that villans never catch wind. The truth is, all superhumans began with the intermingling of humans and monsters." Nezu paused, letting the fact sink in. "Monsters? What like creatures of supernatural origin? Ghost stories? That kind of stuff?" Kirishima, a spiky headed red head, asked. "You really expect us to believe that?!" Bakugo, a literally explosive blonde, snapped. Nezu sighed. It seemed that it was story time.


"A long, long time ago a barrier that had concealed an entire race fell. The race of beings, calling themselves monsters, wanted to co-exist with humans. They were a species of much diversity coming in many different shapes and sizes. Above all though, they carried unique abilities unlike humans. They called it magic. Every superhuman can be traced back to monster origins. The intermingling of humans and monsters, creating hybrids were common before the monster race started to die off. Hybrids are different from superhumans, they were the first step to our evolution." Nezu finished as the elevator stopped opening to let them into a large white facility containing machinery and a large, white crystal. Inside the crystal was four of the strangest looking mutants they'd ever seen. Two of them being Skeletons, one being a humanoid fish, and the last being a humanoid lizard. "These are the last four monsters to exist." The Principal explained to the class. "Having been trapped in high concentrations of magic, the sudden exposure to nonmagical settings started to kill them off. Over the years I've been slowly decreasing the magic within the crystal so the same does not happen to these monsters when they wake up." The Principal concluded, allowing for class 1-A to take a closer look.


He sensed them. He could feel the souls come close, mill about, then eventually leave. He tried to reach out to them, but he was stuck. He had to get out, he needed to get out! It took a mere moment of blind panic before he was on the floor, struggling to stand. He tried to open his eyes, everything was so blurry. He blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision. He groaned softly, feeling stiff and uncoordinated. He found himself stumbling over to a calander. April 13, 2148. That... that didn't sound right to him. He blinked as he recalled the last date he remembered, the day the barrier was broken. September 15, 2015. That would mean... but where had he been the past 134 years then?! He whipped around faster than he should've and found himself stumbling to the floor, staring up at the forms of his friends and family trapped in a giant crystal... they were... that's where they'd been? All that time..? The monster needed help. He didn't have the magic to free them himself. He had to find someone and he couldn't do that staying down here.


The Monster was well aware of how an elevator worked, so leaving the facility wasn't to difficult. It was definitely slow going, he felt weak after being stuck in a crystal for 134 years. As he shuffled through the surrounding field, he felt a LOT of souls in the surrounding area. He tugged up his hood subconsciously, tucking his hands in his pockets. He felt for anything familiar, any monster souls signatures, but they were all so strange... none like he ever felt before. He worried for his friends inside the crystal, but he at least knew they were alive. Now he feared for his friends outside the crystal. He felt no monster signatures. He blinked upon realizing he was in the building. His soul was guiding him to a semi-familiar soul. One that he'd kept track of on and off throughout the years. It lead him to a door, prompting him to knock. "Come in." A voice requested. The monster did as he was told, closing the door behind him. The dog/mouse/bear thing tilted his head at the monster. "Oh? Who might you be?" Nezu asked. "... my name is sans, i need your help." Sans finally spoke up.

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