Chapter 5

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Authour's POV

After working in his desk for a few hours, Y/N looked up and saw the time was about 4pm. He decided to pack up and leave the school for home. As he was about to enter his car, Miss Seo approached Y/N to ask him to sign one last document. Y/N looked at the document and signed it. Once he was done, he boarded his car and drove home.


The day finally ended. Still could not believe that the school needs a complete reshuffle of staff. Once I arrived home, I changed into my running clothes and headed out to run. As I headed out to run, I ran past a black car which caught my attention as there were men inside the car who looked suspicious. Nonetheless I went to start my run as I did not want to get into any trouble. After running for thirty minutes, I returned to my home. Before I headed up, I decided to head to the convenience store to buy something first. As I approached the store, I saw a group of men inside the store harassing Eunseo. I stayed outside the store first to see what was happening.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," I said to myself.

One minute ago

Eunseo's POV

As I was about to go to the backroom to get a cup of water to drink, a group of men enter the store. I instantly recognised them as the loan sharks who tried to get the money back that my parents borrowed.

"Wow, nice store you have here," one of the men said, and I only call him by the name of Lim.

They walked around the store and asked if they could take a few things in the store as payment for the loan. I tried to stop them from doing so, only for them push me to the ground as they started to throw the items onto the floor. This made me angry as I shouted at them at the top of my voice.

"I'll pay you when I have the money. I have told you so many times that I do not have the money now," I shouted.

My shouting had made the men angrier as they trashed the place which made me frightened. Lim then grabbed me by the collar, telling me that he would kill me now. He took a knife and placed it near my throat. Looks like it could be the end of my life. I closed my eyes but then I hear the door open. I opened my eyes to look and it was Y/N.

"Sorry, is the store still opened?" Y/N asked.

Authour's POV

The group of men surrounded Y/N, telling him that the shop was closed and asked him to leave. Y/N was surprised but at the same time, persistent. He insisted on buying something which made Lim irritated. Lim dropped Eunseo onto the floor and walked towards Y/N. After staring at Y/N for a minute, Lim advised Y/N to leave or else he would face dire consequences. Y/N smiled and walked to the entrance. Before he exited the store, he pointed a middle finger at the men which enraged them.

"Get him!" Lim shouted.

The men started to run after Y/N, intending to beat him up. Before one of the men could lay a punch on Y/N, Y/N dodged and punched the man back in his face. The punch was so hard that it hurt the man so badly. This punch surprised the rest as they charged in one by one, only for Y/N to defend himself so well. Eunseo watched on and was surprised by how well Y/N fought back. After Y/N managed to fight all the men, Lim was the only one left. Lim quickly grabbed Eunseo and placed a knife near her throat.

"Come any closer and I will kill her," said Lim.

Eunseo's POV

"The knife near my throat made me very scared. It seemed like today would be my last." I thought to myself as I closed my eyes to prepare for the worse.

Authour's POV

Y/N decided to lay on the ground and placed his hands on top of his head. Lim let Eunseo go and tried to grab Y/N, only for Y/N to pull Lim and throw him out of the store.

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