Chapter 19

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Author's POV

Thirty minutes later, Arin was hugging her legs and sitting on the bed crying. Seeing Arin crying, Soobin quickly went to hug her.

"It hurts," Arin said to Soobin, crying at the same time.

"I'm sorry noona. I promise we won't do it again alright?" Soobin asked Arin.

Arin nodded her head as the couple hugged on the bed, with Soobin giving Arin a kiss to the forehead. Meanwhile, Noel was still in the teacher's room checking on the students' homework. As he was checking the last piece of homework, he received a call from someone.

Noel's POV

"How may I help you Miss Park," I answered, trying to sound formal.

"Are we meeting this evening? Cause today is a special day, if you know what i mean," Si Eun said, trying to sound cute.

I chuckled, telling her that I understood what she was trying to say. I then told her that I would be waiting for her at the ground floor of the building we lived in. She understood and hung up the call. It made me excited as I suddenly recalled that today was valentine's day and I forgot to buy a gift for Si Eun. This made me quickly finish up my stuff and pack up to head home.



Today was quite a day for me cause there are things that needed my approval. What was even funnier was that students were going around giving gifts on valentines' day. Valentines' day also made me think of how I spent it with Bona. That sudden thought of her made me want to cry until I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in," I said.

The door swung open and Eunseo entered. She handed me a document to sign, which I did. After I signed the document, Eunseo thanked me and headed towards the door. Before she exited, I unintentionally called her. Eunseo turned around and looked at me with a surprised face as I asked her if she would like to have dinner with me.

Eunseo's POV

"Dinner?" I asked Y/N, surprised by his question.

"Yeah. I mean if you are not free, I can go have dinner by myself," Y/N replied.

I quickly shook my head, telling Y/N that I have time for dinner in the evening. Y/N nodded his head and I exited his office. Once I was outside of his office, I squealed in excitement and went back to my seat. Miss Seo had seen what I was doing, which made her ask me what was happening. I then explained to Miss Seo what happened inside Y/N's office which surprised her.

"That's good isn't it? It shows that he is interested in dating you!" Miss Seo explained.

"Hopefully. Just that when he asked, he just asked in a normal manner," I said, sighing.

Miss Seo patted me on the back, telling me not to worry and that I should enjoy the meal. I nodded my head and we went back to work. I gave a short thought of what Miss Seo said earlier and really wondered if Y/N liked me. He was still wearing that nose guard which really made him look funny. I chuckled and just continued working.

Authour's POV

A few hours passed. Y/N packed up his stuff and exited his office. Seeing Eunseo the only one left at the workstation, Y/N knocked on her table and told her that she could leave.

Eunseo's POV

I nodded my head and got up, following Y/N to his car. Once we entered the car, Y/N drove out of the school. I was not sure where he was planning to take me to for dinner but it made me excited as I would really like to take this opportunity to confess my feelings to him. On the way to the location, I would peek at Y/N occasionally and he looked tired. It made me feel so worried as I wondered if he had enough rest.

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