Chapter 22

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Si Eun's POV


That shouting sounded very familiar. I turned around and saw my father shouting and looking for me. I tried to hide behind Olivia but my father spotted me. I saw him looking at me and he came towards my direction.

"YOU ARE COMING HOME WITH ME THIS INSTANT," my father shouted at me.

I shook my head and refused, only for him to grab me by the wrist and drag me out of the canteen.


I left the office to head to the canteen the moment the bell rang. Students were swarming towards the canteen to buy their food. As I was about to reach the canteen, I could hear someone shouting. I tried to pinpoint the source of the shouting and saw a man shouting from a distance. I went closer and observed that the man had approached one of the students whom I recognised as Si Eun. He appeared to drag Si Eun which made me quickly run to him and stop what he was doing.

"Sorry sir. What are you trying to do to the student?" I asked him.

"I am here to bring my daughter back. She ran away from home and I am going to bring her back to teach her a lesson," the man shouted at me.

"Calm down sir. I presume you are Park Si Eun's father right?" I said to the man.

The man nodded his head and asked who I was. I introduced myself to Mr Park as the school's principal. Mr Park nodded his head but was still angry, telling me that the school teachers never taught Si Eun the proper manners. His comments took me by surprise but I managed to stay calm and told him that we could talk this out at my office. He refused and pushed me away. I was about to fall but I was caught by someone. I looked up and saw that it was Mr Noel.

"You," Mr Park shouted, pointing at Mr Noel.

I looked at both men and I felt something might happen. Mr Noel seemed to show fear in his eyes which made me tell both men and Si Eun to come to my office.

"I knew it. There was something suspicious going on between you and Mr Noel."

I heard this sentence and turned to see Soji pointing at Si Eun. I became furious and started to kick one of the canteen tables. My actions seemed to have surprised everyone as I told Mr Park, Si Eun and Mr Noel to follow me to my office.

"As for you, I want to see you and Miss Hani after school," I shouted at Soji.

After I finished my sentence, I looked at all the students who seemed to show fear in their eyes. I walked off and headed back to my office, feeling angry.

Authour's POV

Five minutes later, Y/N was in the office with Mr Park, Mr Noel and Si Eun. No words were exchanged for a minute until someone knocked on the door and entered. The person who entered was Eunseo as she asked Y/N to sign a document. Eunseo sensed a very tense atmosphere which made her feel nervous. After Y/N finished signing the document, he asked Eunseo to leave the office which she quickly did.

Eunseo's POV

Once I left the office, I felt a sigh of relief and went back to my desk. As I was about to start my work, I received a notification on my phone. I looked at the notification and was surprised by the content of it.

'Is Si Eun dating Mr Noel?'

'What is the relationship between Mr Noel and Si Eun?'

These were some examples of the things I saw from the content. This made me get up and enter Y/N's office but I could hear him talking.


Once Eunseo left the office, I looked at the three individuals in my office. Mr Park and Si Eun were sitting down at the sofa while Mr Noel was standing beside the door.

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