• FOUR •

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I happily headed into the dining area of the hotel, where they're serving dinner. I could've asked for room service but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to pay or not, so I came to the ground floor.

I looked at the food sections & sighed sadly. Dinner was almost over & there was rarely any food. Everything else was filled with carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, vegan sandwiches etc.

I don't eat that healthy shit. Maybe another day.

& that's why you're fat bitch.


I walked down the long carpeted corridor with my key card in my hand, humming happily.

"I'm gonna eat good." I sang, excited to order food & eat.

I stood in front of my room door & used my key card to unlock the door. I entered my dark room & closed the door behind me.

I walked further into my room & I stiffened when I spotted a dark figure in the corner of my hotel room. I didn't waste a second before turning around & made a run for it. 

A loud scream left my lips when a knife was thrown my way & hit the door.

"Don't move." His deep voice sent chills down my spine & I stiffened.

No no!

I clenched legs shut, stopping myself from peeing out of fear.

"Turn around darling." He whispered softly & my lips quivered. I clenched my eyes shut & remained still, my back still turned to him. I felt his presence behind me & my heart beat quickened in fear.

"Don't make me ask again love." His deep voice boomed from behind.

I've never turned around so fast in my entire life. I almost fell side ways from turning around so quick, but strong arms wrapped themselves around me before I hit the ground. I whimpered.

"Let go of me." I whispered & he did, allowing me to hit the ground.

This white b-

I sucked my teeth & he chuckled.

"Ow mother fucker." I mumbled to myself.

"You said let go of you so I did." He spoke. He stood over me & I gazed up at him.

I took the opportunity to lift my leg & attempt to kick him in between the legs but he caught my foot before it reached there.

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