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I leaned against the wall & watched as Zuri zipped up her suitcase & placed it in the corner, prepared to leave the hotel later tonight.

"Come here bellissima." I beckoned her over & she rose an eyebrow.

"For what?" She tilted her head & I smiled.

"A kiss." I poked out my lips & she shook her head.

"Ah ah, it was one kiss. We are NOT together." She said taking a few steps back putting space in between us.

"Yet." I corrected & she scoffed.


"Hm we'll see about that love." I chuckled, determined to make her mine & she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up.

"I don't date a cracker." She said fake gagging. She pointed her finger into her mouth, pretending to throw up.

"Well you'll be with this cracker soon, I promise you." I smiled at her & she laughed.

"I'll be with you under one condition." She held up her finger & I rose an eyebrow.

"Which is?"

"Suck your own dick." She shrugged & I shut my eyes before opening them again. I stared at her in disbelief, flabbergasted by her words.

"You want me to suck my own dick?" I repeated, figuring out if I heard what this woman just said correctly.

"Yes. If you can't, then I can't be with you." She shrugged, a smile threatening to form on her lips.

I stared at her, completely in disbelief.

"You're saying this because you'll know it's impossible for a man to suck his own dick." I chuckled, understanding what she's doing.

"Actually it is possible but will you do it?" She questioned & I shook my head.


We both paused, silence falling into the room. We stared at each other, her brown eyes searching for answers.

"What if I did something else hm?" I broke the silence. I slowly pushing myself off the wall & took a small steps towards her.

"Give me a billion dollars & rub my feet?" She suggested & I chuckled.


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