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I sat in my quiet dark office typing on my computer. The sound of soft knocking on my office door caught my attention.

"Come in!" I shouted & soon the door is swung open revealing Zuri. I checked the time & rose an eyebrow wondering why she's still awake.

"It's 1:45 am baby." I whispered & she nodded her head. She entered my office & closed the door behind her. She fixed her bonnet & a low sigh left her lips.

I smiled looking at her outfit. She's wearing one of my shirts & it stopped mid thigh. I can see her hard nipples through the grey shirt.

I beckoned her over & she dragged her feet over to me.

"Is there anything underneath the shirt?" I asked & she nodded.

"Hm." I hummed & a smile formed on her lips. I grabbed her arm & pulled her onto my lap making her straddle me.

She placed her hands on my shoulders & scooted forward rubbing against me, a groan escaped my lips & she smiled.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" I chuckled & she shrugged, her lustful eyes made me smile.

I wrapped my right arm around her waist & stood up from my chair, she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist. I pushed my computer aside making space for her on my desk so she'd sit down.

I sat her down on the desk & lowered my head so I'm at her eye level. I smirked & leaned in capturing her lips into a kiss. She immediately kissed me back & I felt her warm & wet tongue trace over my bottom lip asking for an entrance.

I parted my lips allowing her to slip her tongue into my mouth. My hands lowered themselves down to her ass & I squeezed her ass earning a gasp from her.

She took control of the kiss & I hummed loving her dominance. I felt my dick harden.

She broke the kiss & roughly pushed me down on the chair. She hopped off my desk & I parted my legs far enough so she'd stand in between them. She kneeled on the ground & I bit my lip.

I felt her hands rub my inner thighs & my dick hardened fully.

She unbuckled my belt & took my belt out of my pant's loops. She unzipped my pants & I slightly lifted my hips helping her pull my pants down to my ankles. She cupped my bulge through my boxers & I took a deep breath.

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