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I sat up against the headboard & stared at the blank wall ahead of me listening to the heavy rain outside putting my mind at ease.

The soft breathing of the woman sleeping beside me caught my attention. I turned my head & looked at her, a smile forming on my lips.

I softly brushed my fingertips over her bare naked back feeling her shiver under me.

She purposely decided to sleep naked tonight, just so she'd tease me knowing I can't do nothing about it but watch her naked form. The white silk sheet barely covering her body.

For a woman so innocent looking, she's damn sure the devil when her & I are alone.

I slowly & carefully laid down & turned to lay on my side so I'd get closer to her. I softly kept brushing my fingers over her bare back, a soft whimper escaping her lips.

"Too perfect for this world." I whispered softly as I admired her sleeping peacefully.

I moved closer to her feeling the warm heat radiating off her naked body. I lowered my head & placed a gentle kiss on her bare shoulder. I then placed a few more kisses on her back.

"Milio?" She mumbled & I hummed, her eyes remained shut.


She fluttered her eyes open, the reflection of the moon light showing up in her brown eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she rubbed her eye.

"Hey pretty girl." I smiled.

"Why are you awake?" She whispered, her voice being a bit raspy & I sighed.

"I have a lot on my mind." I mumbled & she looked at me with tired eyes. I sighed & laid on my back looking up at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly. She swiftly moved her naked body onto mine & I groaned. My hands found their way onto her ass & gave it a softly slap before squeezing her ass in my hands.

"I still haven't told Geo about Hazel & Iris." I whispered, my heart aching a bit just by thought of seeing his reaction.

"Milio you have to tell him."

"I know but he's so happy now. He's not as depressed & sad as he used to be. Just by thought of seeing the heart break in his eyes makes my heart hurt." I sighed & she looked at me with sad eyes.

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