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Instant tears filled my eyes as I watched Geo silently cry to himself in his bedroom. He took off his glasses & tossed them aside wiping his tears.

I knocked on his door before entering his bedroom catching his attention. He didn't look at me, he turned his head & looked at the empty wall.

"Take me with you." He whispered, his voice breaking.

"Geo." I whispered. I took small steps towards him & sat on the empty space on the bed beside him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me & laid his head on my chest.

"D-Don't leave." He pleaded & I could feel my heart breaking.

"I'll come back. I think." I mumbled the last part, but I'm sure he heard it because he lifted his head off my chest & looked at me with teary eyes.

"Don't think. Promise me you'll come back." He whispered.

"Actually never mind. You broke your promise about not leaving." He said standing up from his bed & I couldn't stop the tears from falling, my heart shattered at his words.

"I tried."

"Try harder. If you leave, then please take me with you." He whispered looking at me as more tears fell from his eyes, his entire face is red from crying.

"I'll come back, I promise." I whispered & he shook his head.

"Stop promising! Stop. Don't promise unless you can actually keep it." He snapped & my lip quivered.

I didn't utter a word. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat & looked down at my lap.

"I need a few days to cool off, that's it. I'll come back for you." I whispered standing up from the bed.

I approached him & softly grabbed his hand caressing his knuckles.

"I tried, but your brother-"

"Fucking Emilio." He scoffed softly pulling his hand out of my hold.

"72 hours." He suddenly said & my eyebrows furrowed.


"You have 3 days to come back for me." He said softly & I smiled nodding.

As much as I don't want to come back & see Emilio's face, I'll come back just for Geo.

"Okay, I promise." I smiled & he sighed. He embraced me into a tight hug & lowered his head shoving his face into the crook of my neck.

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