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I uncomfortably walked around Emilio's quiet home rubbing my ass trying to sooth the pain on my ass cheeks. They still sting because of the spanking I had gotten earlier.

Although I was afraid, it turned me on. I'm sure Emilio realized it when he rubbed my ass & his fingers 'accidentally' brushed up against my pussy that was leaking with arousal .

Emilio is currently in his office with Geo talking about something important.

I was a bit surprised today when I saw the two men hugging each other. Emilio did almost shoot Geo, so I thought Geo would've been holding a grudge but I guess not.

They're both insane & I'm definitely minding my business.

Although Geo is funny, he also enjoys provoking his unhinged brother & I pay the price, a price I enjoyed but that's not the point.

I headed outside to the backyard & looked around the beautiful massive area, the moonlight glistening in the pool water making it look pretty.

I tried looking further out but there's nothing but trees & darkness in the distance.

I remember being afraid at first when Emilio drove me to his home because it's in the middle of no where. It's nothing but trees around.

Emilio lives deep into the long dark road, almost at the end of it. He's far away from everyone.

There are houses around the area but they're about a mile or two away.

I sighed & walked towards the stone bench taking a seat. The moment my ass came in contact with the bench, a low whimper slipped through my lips.


I quickly stood up & rubbed my ass. I huffed & headed back inside spotting Emilio & Geo speaking to each other in their native tongue.

I slid the glass door shut & locked it. I quickly bolted into the kitchen & bent down, hiding behind the kitchen island.

A sexy chuckle was heard & I bit my lip.

"I saw you mama." Emilio laughed & Geo laughed with him.

I mentally slapped myself for my idiotic move. I slowly stood up & faced both men, Emilio held an amusement look.

Geo looked like he is trying to hold in his laugh, a small chuckle slipped through.

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