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2 days ahead

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2 days ahead.


I leaned back against the bathroom wall & watched as Zuri fixed her dress, my gaze directly on her ass. My eyes slowly lingered over her thick body & I took my bottom lip into my mouth.

I could feel my mouth water just by looking at her. I'm a patient man, but I don't think I'm patient enough to wait 8 weeks without fucking this woman.

"Earth to Emilio!" Her sexy voice snapped me out of my dirty thoughts.

"Yes mama?"

"Let's go." She said & I nodded my head. I looked at her & smiled admiring her beauty.

The mid long silk dress clung onto her beautifully. The hot pink color of the dress made her dark skin glow & pop out more.

Her hair is flowing freely in its natural Afro style.

"You are one fine woman." I said biting my lip & she laughed beautifully.

"& you are one sexy ass man." She smiled & a chuckle left my lips. I pushed myself off the wall & held out my hand. She placed her soft warm hand in mine & interlocked our fingers.

We walked out of the bathroom & she grabbed her purse on the bed before we headed out of the bedroom.

We walked down the steps slowly because she's in heels & she's still adjusting.

"I should've taken the elevator." She huffed, her grip on my hand tightening as she held onto me for dear life.

We finally reached the main level & Geo waited for us at the end of the staircase with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where are you two maggots going without me?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest & I chuckled.

"Out." I said & he rose an eyebrow.

"Without me?" He scoffed & Zuri laughed in response.

"Yes. You've been around for entirely too long. There hasn't been a day I've gone without seeing your face." I said sighing & he simply shrugged his shoulders not caring about anything I just said.

"Well that's too bad because I'm here to stay. Wait for me, I'll go get ready." He said quickly walking away & I shook my head.

"Stay out of grown folks business!" Zuri added & he turned around flipping her off making her do the same.

"I'm only 2 years younger than you!" He defended.

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