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I avoided Emilio like the plague.

It's been a few hours since he made me see stars & I haven't said a word to him. I wanted to but I didn't know what to say, I'm still speechless.

I sighed to myself & quietly headed downstairs into the kitchen because I haven't eaten in a few hours.

I headed straight for the pantry looking for the snacks Emilio had gotten me a few hours prior before we came to his house. I looked around, not finding the starburst & hot chips Emilio had gotten me.

I frowned & kept looking around.

"Did I eat them?" I asked myself wondering if I did or not. Sometimes I eat things, then forget I ate it.

I walked out of the walk in pantry & huffed, a bit annoyed. I took a seat on one of the kitchen stools & rested my elbows on the expensive marble counter staring into space.

"Well hello." A deep voice coated with an Italian accent spoke & I turned around.

A handsome young man stood behind me with a wide grin on his face. I looked at his grey eyes through his glasses, pure happiness filled in them.

He didn't look older than 18 or 19. He resembled Emilio a lot though, so I'd assume they're related.

"I'm Giovanni." He introduced, his deep voice catching me off guard. His voice did not matching his face at all.

I looked at him stunned.

"Uh I'm Zuri." I said & he nodded.

"From Jessie?" He joked, laughing at his own joke. I smiled.

"Funny." I laughed softly & he smiled, two deep dimples appearing on each side of his cheeks.

He walked passed me & walked around the kitchen island, he is now across from me. He leaned forward on the counter & stared at me.

I looked at him & he looked at me.

His wavy hair is slicked back into a small man bun showing off his sharp hair line & beautiful features.

"You're beautiful." He smiled, his grey eyes lightened.

"Thank you & you're handsome." I smiled & his smile widened.

"My brother is a fucking psychopath & unhinged, why don't you date me instead?" He wiggled his eyebrows, his lips curled forming into a smirk.

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