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I couldn't look away. The woman sitting across from me is stunning.

She ate elegantly, which I admired more.

We've eaten the main meal & now we're eating dessert.

"You are truly stunning." I said looking at her & she smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered & I bit my lip. I watched her as she ate, waiting for her to finish eating. I had finished before her.

I stood up from my seat & walked around the table, extending my hand gesturing for her to take. She placed her soft semi warm hand in mine & I pulled her up from her seat.

We walked out of the tent & walked on the sand, admiring the beauty of the sun setting.

Our fingers interlocked together & I smiled.

We're alone on this end of the beach. There are a few people on the beach but on the other end, the west side.

She let go of my hand & walked in front of me.

I placed my hands in my pockets & just watched her, the setting sun glistening on her melanated skin making it glow beautifully. The lavender dress added more onto her beauty.

Her afro is in its natural state, flowing beautifully.

I know there was a fight between her & her hair before we came here. Although it wasn't as brutal as it usual is, there was a fight.

I've seen the fights before & they were very brutal. The screaming, crying & hair pulling, sometimes she'd hit herself in the head with the brush because her hair wasn't cooperating, but my love for her grew more.

I watched her as she walked on the sand, she's ahead of me.

Suddenly, she tripped & fell face flat on the sand. I snorted, unable to keep in my laughter. She slowly stood up & turned around seeing that I was laughing. She then bursted into tears. Sand covered her face, hair & dress.

"Baby oh my God!" I laughed & she just cried.

I walked over to her & dusted the sand off her dress, but she pushed me away. I cupped her face with both of my hands & wiped her tears with my thumb.

I bit my lip trying to stop the laugh threatening to escape my lips, & she glared at me.

"Man fuck you." She said poking me in the chest & I chuckled.

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