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"Ti amo." She whispered & I froze.

I looked at her stunned. I never expected her to say she loved me. I understood why she hadn't told me before when I'd tell her I love her.

The fear she had for me overpowered the other emotions she felt for me.

I was prepared to wait however long to hear her say those words & she finally said them. Unexpectedly.

"I love you mama." I smiled.

I laid on my back & looked up at the ceiling with a wide smile plastered on my face. I felt Zuri moving.

She boldly moved onto my body & straddled my lap. My hands immediately found their way onto her love handles & gripped them. She lowered her head & placed a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away.

"I'm so in love with you." I whispered & she smiled.

"& I'm so in love with you Mr. psychopath." She teased & I laughed.

I sat up & securely wrapped my arms around her naked waist. I softly laid my head on her bare chest, directly above her heartbeat & listened to her thumping heart.

"Amore mio."
My love.


A week ahead.

Geo sat beside me chewing on ice as we both watched the library's surveillance from the day Zuri & Mariano met. Geo hacked into the library's surveillance file & sent this to me.

This is my 2nd time watching the 30 minute long video & the more I see his face, the angrier I get.

Geo's loud smacking angered me more. Him & this damn ice. Zuri put him onto this ice eating shit & he hasn't stopped since.

"Stop chewing so fucking loud." I groaned & Geo scoffed, continuing on chewing the crushed ice.

"It's ice, I can't chew quietly." He responded & I shook my head.

"Can we stop watching this video? You already know what happened, now move on & kill his ass. If not, Zuri & I will do it for you." Geo added & I chuckled in response.

"I'm serious Emilio. I know that you'll watch this surveillance video over & over until you grow grey hairs trying to find something that isn't there." He sighed & I groaned, roughly rubbing my hands down my face in frustration.

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