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2 days ahead.

It's been 2 days & I'm still hurting. I slowly walked down the staircase groaning in pain. I couldn't walk properly because Emilio nearly broke my back. Luckily we didn't go multiple rounds like we usually do, which I was grateful for.

We only went 2 rounds, then we were done because I nearly passed out from how intense & rough the sex was.

I've been feeling nauseous the entire day though.

I headed into the kitchen finding everyone in their own world. Mariano is currently cooking humming to the music playing in the background & Emilio is reading Rylee one of the 'Junie B Jones' book.

Geo is sitting on one of the kitchen bar stools eating Rylee's baby snacks. I took a seat beside Geo & sighed.

"Those aren't yours." Emilio said popping Geo's hand & snatching the bowl filled with Gerber puffs.

"They're good though." He sighed. He attempted to grab a handful of the puffs but Emilio stopped him from doing so. He set the bowl in front of Rylee & her small chubby hand reached into the bowl.

I looked at Emilio & a smile formed on my lips watching as he read the book to Rylee. She didn't pay attention to the book, she was focused on his golden chain playing with it as it dangled over her face.

"Mama." She suddenly said & everyone just paused. Geo gasped dramatically & I looked at Mariano, who's eyes filled with sadness.

"She isn't here to hear those words." He mumbled, but I heard him & I felt my heart break for him.

Geo stood up from his seat & ran over to Rylee picking her up. He spun her around showering her chubby face in kisses making her giggle adorably.

"Okay now say Chewbacca." Geo added making us laugh.

Mariano smiled at her & Rylee began making baby sounds. I watched Mariano carefully as he shut off the oven & quietly excused himself leaving the kitchen. He headed outside to the backyard & I sighed.

Geo & Emilio didn't notice, & it bothered me a bit. The man is hurting.

I groaned as I slid off the bar stood, I need to check on him.

"Where are you going?" Emilio asked from behind & I sighed.

"Outside." I said. I slid the door open & stepped outside before sliding the door shut behind me.

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