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Warning! • rough sex• knife play ______________________________

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• rough sex
• knife play


Mariano nodded his head at us as he stumbled passed us & headed into his bedroom. He waved at us before slamming the door shut making me chuckle.

I turned around & faced Zuri giving her a knowing look. She didn't waste a second & bolted upstairs making me chuckle. I placed my hands in my pockets & watched as she ran up the steps.

She tripped up the steps & I stifled a laugh.

"I saw that." I laughed at her & I could hear her groan.

I waited a few minutes before heading upstairs already knowing she found a hiding spot. I'm sure she won't hide in a dumb place like before.

I love it when she runs, it reminds me of the beginning of our love story. She ran & I easily found her. Her running turns me on further because I love a chase. I love to chase her.

I stood in front of our bedroom door & opened it stepping into the dark quiet room.

I turned on the light & nothing, only her shoes that she took off being visible.


Nothing. I'm met with silence & a grin formed on my lips. As I'm about to leave our bedroom, a whistle caught my attention. I turned around & spotted her in her naked glory holding one of my knives.

My eyebrow rose out of curiosity wondering why she's holding a knife, but my excitement overpowered my curiosity.

"Going to kill me?" I chuckled & she smiled shaking her head.

She beckoned me over with her right hand & I simply complied. If this woman told me to get on my knees & lick her feet, I'd do it.

I took slow steps towards her until I was close enough to feel the heat radiating off her body. She place the sharp end of the knife against my chest stopping me from getting any closer. I smiled, I could feel my dick getting harder then it was before.

"I have power over you right now, so today I'm control." She stated & my smile grew.

"Is that so?" I bit my lip looking at her, my eyes slowly lingering over her naked thick body & she nodded her head.

"What are you thinking mama?" I asked knowing the word 'mama' gets her every time. She swallowed & I tilted my head looking into her eyes intensely.

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