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I looked around the dark bedroom confused, wondering how I went from sleeping on Emilio's office couch & onto this cloud like bed. I just woke up a few minutes ago & I'm now sat up against the headboard looking around the room.

Everywhere in this entire bedroom is dark but it's organized. The sheets, rugs, bed frame, nightstands, & curtains are all black. The walls are plain & painted in dark grey, giving the room a dark scary vibe.

It didn't take long for me to figure out who's room I was in because of the familiar expensive scent.

I was startled when black double doors swung open & the light was flicked on. I squinted my eyes, adjusting to the bright light.

"I'll dim the lights for you bellissima." Emilio's deep voice spoke & I swallowed.

My eyes adjusted to the light & my breath hitched when my eyes landed on Emilio.

He looked like he just stepped out of the shower. My eyes lingered over his muscular & tatted body, my mouth watering at the sight of the man in front of me.

I followed the water droplets until they disappeared into his towel, which is hanging incredibly low on his well defined waist revealing his sharp V line. He had a scar on his pelvic bone & it's so sexy, so so sexy.


I traced my tongue over my bottom lip & my eyes moved lower & lower, the huge bulge in his towel made my heartbeat quicken & created a heart beat in between my legs.

This man is fine fine.

I am staring at this man like a piece of meat, but I couldn't look away.

My eyes trailed up & down his body, I noticed a few scars on his abdomen but they were small & it made his body look even sexier.

My eyes landed on the tattoo on his side/ribs. It was a tattoo of a fallen Angel.

He cleared his throat, snapping me out of my trance I was just in. I looked at his face & amusement danced in his eyes.

"Are you thirsty?" He teased & I looked away.

"No I'm not." I denied, but in reality my throat is dry as hell & I'm also thirsty for him as well.


He turned around & I swallowed. His back is also sexy, especially with the tattoo on his upper back.

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