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"Can I sleep on you?" Geo whispered, covering his mouth as he yawned. I looked at Emilio & he is focused on the movie ahead of us.

"Please Z?" He pleaded.

I nodded & he smiled. He took off his glasses & handed them to me so I'd place them on the small coffee table in front of us. He put both feet on the seat beside him & laid down, resting his head on my lap.

He covered his body with the fuzzy blanket & fluttered his eyes shut. I smiled. I let go of Emilio's hand & put my hands on Geo's head. I released his hair from the ponytail it was in & ran my fingers through his silky dark wavy hair.

He hummed in satisfaction & snuggled into my lap.

"That's my spot." Emilio whispered & I laughed softly.

"You'll be next don't worry." I reassured with a smile & he smiled at me.

He focused back on the movie & I ran my fingers through Geo's soft hair.

Small whimpers slipped through his lips.

"P-Please don't ever leave." He whispered & I felt my heart warm.

"Um..." I turned & looked at Emilio, who's already looking at me.

"I won't." I whispered.

"Promise?" He asked lifting his head & looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Promise." I smiled.


Emilio & I stood in the kitchen quietly, not saying a word to each other. I walked away from him & took a seat on the marble island counter.

He pushed himself off the wall & walked over to me. I parted my legs so he'd stand in between them. I wrapped my arms around his neck & pulled his face closer to mine so I'd kiss his lips. I placed a quick & soft kiss on his lips making him smile.

He gently snaked his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"You promised him you wouldn't leave, but can you promise me you won't leave?" He asked & I sighed.

"I promise..." I whispered.

I knew keeping a promise like this will be difficult because sometimes Emilio scares me to the core, but I always keep my promises.

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