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I felt the world spinning. I was scared, very fucking scared for Mariano. I looked at him then at the bags in his hands. I noticed the kid toys in the bags.

He noticed my gaze on the bags & smiled.

"They're for my niece & nephew. Those little gremlins have been begging me for new legos. They're 4 years old." He chuckled, a beautiful smile appeared on his face as he talked about them.

My heart ached a bit, realizing Emilio could hurt him. I refuse to let it happen.

If Emilio kills this man, I will never forgive him nor myself.

I turned around & faced Emilio. I couldn't read him, his face was emotionless. He didn't show any type of emotion, his eyes were blank.

"Emilio." I said & he looked at me then at Mariano.

"Is there a problem here Zuri?" Mariano asked from behind & Emilio chuckled.

"Hm, he knows your name." Emilio's eyes darted over to me. I noticed the silver pistol on his hip & I swallowed.

"Emilio don't." I whispered.

"Or?" He tilted his head to the side & looked at me with smile, his smile warned me. He's already on edge, but I don't care anymore.

Killing an innocent man? I think the fuck not.

I turned back around & faced Mariano, who's looking at Emilio & me in question.

"Bye." I whispered & he smiled.

Mariano began walking away & waved at me, I did the same. He then nodded his head at Emilio, & I guarantee he didn't budge to do the same. .

I turned around & watched Mariano get into a black Range Rover. I waited a few minutes for him to drive out of the empty parking lot before facing Emilio.

I looked at Emilio & I could see the clear anger in his eyes.

"Is there anything you want to say bellissima?" He finally spoke & I stared at him.

"I bumped into him at the library by accident & I stumbled, but he caught me, stopping me from falling. I'm sure he was going to ask for my number but I quickly cut him off. He got the message understanding that I'm with someone & left me alone." I explained.

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