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A/N- this chapter can be confusing, but it will make sense in further chapters. & not too much on my bestie Emilio🧍🏽‍♀️


I ignored the pain I felt shooting through my body, my body being incredibly sore from 2 nights ago but I didn't care. I headed inside & slid the door shut, my hands shook in pure rage.

I turned around & I saw Geo. I then remembered I'm leaving him too. It'll break him, but I can no longer stay here.

"Mariano just snatched his kid out of my hands. What's happening?" He asked innocently & I sighed.

"I know I promised I wouldn't leave, but I have to my love. I'm so sorry." I whispered & instant tears filled his eyes. His lips quivered & tears fell from his eyes.

"Your brother is a psychotic fuck." That was all I said before heading upstairs.



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I headed upstairs to the second floor & walked down the long corridor heading towards Mariano's bedroom. I knocked once & he instantly opened the door.

He stepped aside allowing me to enter his bedroom & he shut the door behind me. I looked at him & we both cracked a smile trying to stop ourselves from laughing. He walked over to me & we shook hands laughing.

"You're a good actor. I really thought you were about to slit my throat." He said slapping my back & I chuckled.

"Nah." I laughed. Rylee's baby sounds caught my attention & I looked at the baby sitting on the fluffy rug playing with her socks, I walked over to her picking her up from the ground. I tickled her softly & she giggled.

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