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I sat beside Emilio on the hospital bed & Geo sat on the comfortable chair beside the bed. He scooted the chair closer to the bed & bent forward, laying his head on my thighs.

"So fluffy." He whispered & I frowned.

"Fat phobic." I said pushing his head away & he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. He then shook his head & laid his head back down.

He grabbed my hand & placed it on his head. He began moving my hand so I'd rub his head.

"Please." He lifted his head & looked at me with tired eyes. I nodded my head & he smiled.

He put his head back down & I began rubbing his head, a low whimper slipped through his lips.

"Bastard." Emilio scoffed & I pinched him in the arm.

"Stop it." I said & he rolled his eyes.

There was a knock at the door catching our attention. Soon, the door opened & the doctor walked in with a nurse following behind.

"Good Morning Mr & Mrs. Marino." The doctor smiled & I looked at Emilio with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not-" Emilio cut my sentence short by speaking over me.

"Hello Doc." He said with a smile & I scoffed.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm great, I just want to leave." Emilio responded & I sat quietly looking in between both men.

"You'll leave in a week or so. Speaking of leaving, I am going to give you a list of things you shouldn't be doing once you leave Mr. Marino." The doctor said & the nurse handed him a clipboard.

"Like?" Emilio rose an eyebrow & I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"For the next 8 weeks, do not lift anything over 30 pounds, or work out. No sexual intercourse for the next 8 weeks. D-" the doctor was cut off by Emilio.

"Got me fucked up." Emilio laughed & I snapped my head in his direction, glaring at him. Geo chuckled softly.

"Well if you decide to go against my orders, your stitches will reopen & you can bleed out." The doctor calmly spoke & Emilio's eyebrow slowly rose.

"& if they do reopen,  I will not help you. Following directions shouldn't be hard. You aren't a child, act like an adult & listen to your doctor." The doctor added & Geo shook his head. Emilio tilted his head & looked at the man.

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