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I took my time walking down the steps to meet my father in my living room. I'm not in a rush to see the bastard nor am I happy to see him. I spotted my father sitting on my coach & I sighed.

"Let's make this quick, shall we?" I spoke up & he turned his head to look at me. A grin appeared on his face & he chuckled.

He slowly stood up from the couch & took small steps towards me.

"Keep your distance." I warned & his grin widened.

"Where's Geo pussy ass?" He asked & I chuckled to myself, attempting to keep myself calm.

"Don't address him as that & he died." I said sarcastically & he laughed.

"I could've sworn I heard his voice." He chuckled & I blankly stared at him.

"Why are you here?" I said, quickly getting to the point.

"I came to visit my son."

"Sons." I corrected & he shrugged.

"The boy is a virgin, to me he might as well be my 2nd daughter." He laughed.

Before he had the chance to blink, my fist connected with his face. He fell back & I didn't give him the opportunity to stand before I held up my knife against his throat, the sharp end of the blade digging into his skin.

"Disrespect him one more time & you're done for." I threatened & fear flashed in his eyes, his face turned into a light shade of pink.

"Emilio!" He shouted & I tilted my head, a smile forming on my lips.

"Keep your voice down."

"H-He's a pussy, you k-know that. T-The boy is a 19 year old virgin. Come on, tell me that isn't ridiculous?" He stammered over his words.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you hm?"

"I-If you kill me, your little girlfriend will pay the price." He chuckled & I stiffened. I felt my self grow angrier.

"You think I don't know about the girl?" He laughed & I dug my knife deeper into his neck earning a groan from him.

"Stalking me?"

"No, but someone else was doing that for me. Remember your little friend Mariano?" He chuckled & I cursed under my breath.

I should've killed his ass.

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