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I looked around the quiet jet & smiled to myself seeing everyone at peace.

The jet is massive & I was in awe when I first stepped into the massive plane. The jet has a good amount of space that'd allow people to walk around freely without bumping into anything.

The workers are very nice also. The jet is stocked up with liquor & other drinks along with snacks.

The sound of faint snores heard in the jet made me smile.

Emilio allowed Mariano to sleep in the small bedroom in the jet because he deserves a full night of sleep without stress.

Geo is knocked out on the seat across from me with a blanket wrapped around him & Emilio is sleeping on the comfortable long couch beside me with Mariano's babygirl sleeping comfortably on his chest, his muscular arms protectively wrapped around her.

I smiled, my heart fluttering. I felt my eyes become heavier as the seconds flew by & I covered my mouth yawning quietly before getting comfortable in my seat.

A new life with my new family.



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I firmly gripped onto Zuri's ass & carried her out of the jet. She's in a deep asleep & I don't want to wake her because I know that she'll have an attitude for an entire day from being woken up.

I nodded my head at the pilot on my way out & he did the same. The moment I stepped out of the plane, the cold breeze of Canada hit my skin & instant goosebumps decorated my skin, including Zuri's.

My personal driver opened the car door for me & I got in with Zuri in my arms. She remained asleep, her faint snores & drool on my shoulder made me chuckle softly.

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