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Mariano & I stood at the end of the staircase waiting patiently for Zuri to come down. It's currently 7:58 pm & Geo is with Rylee in the theater room watching 'Moana'.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I saw her coming down the stairs. My mouth went dry completely & my eyes widened staring at the woman coming the stairs.

She's wearing a very fucking short black dress that clung onto her body perfectly showing her curves with black Givenchy high heel boots.

I looked over my shoulder seeing Mariano's lustful gaze on her, he's practically drooling. He's looking at her like she's a piece of meat.

I chuckled to myself. Before she could reach the last step, I grabbed her arm & tossed her body over my shoulder going upstairs.

"What the hell?!" She screamed & Mariano chuckled behind me.

"These two." He mumbled laughing to himself.

I headed into our bedroom & placed her on her feet before slamming the door shut behind me.

"Either put on a coat to cover your ass or we're not going." I said looking at her & a smile itched to form on her lips.

She smiled & simply nodded her head. She headed into her closet & within seconds, she came out holding a long black trench coat.

"Can you even move in that without your ass being out?" I asked looking at the so called "dress". It's incredibly short, not that I mind, but other people can't see her bare ass.

"Not really." She said shrugging & I scoffed.

"My point, put that coat on." I said watching as she put on the coat & I smiled. I grabbed her hand & spun her around admiring my woman.

"Hm." I hummed. I wrapped my arm around her & pulled her close to my chest, her breasts pressing up against me. I then lowered my hand & cupped her pussy making her gasp. I rubbed her clit through her panties slowly & a moan slipped through her lips.

"Just making sure you're wearing panties." I smirked & she side eyed me making me chuckle.

I let go of her & I stepped aside from the door opening it. She went out of our bedroom first & I followed behind.

We walked down the steps carefully because although she's wearing heels, she hasn't 100% adjusted to them.

Marino waited for us with his hands in his pockets & looked at me giving me a knowing look making me chuckle. He's assuming we had a quickie. I shook my head & he side eyed me not believing me.

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