💔Yandere Sabito Pt. 2💔

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Here's your part 2 Himiko-fire-hydrant, hope you like it 😇

Highschool AU!


No one's pov:

"You're only mine~"

Giyuu let out a pain filled cry as Sabito removed the knife and wrapped his thigh in a handkerchief so his love wouldn't die from blood loss.

Sabito braught the knife close to his face as he examined it before staring Giyuu right in the eye and licking the blood off.

Giyuu stared in horror as his once innocent best friend, was now licking a knife he used to disable him.

"You won't ever leave me, will you my darling?~" sabito said as he came closer to Giyuu to brush his hair out of his face. Instead, Giyuu pushed him to the side and tried to crawl away.

"L-Leave me alone y-you monster!" Giyuu cried as Sabito got back up. His face was replaced with a pissed off look as he watch Giyuu try to crawl away.

Sabito walks foward and stomps harshly on Giyuu's back, causing him to grunt in pain.

"You're not meant to leave me Tomioka Giyuu..." He said, ducking fown omce again and looking at Giyuu's face. He had puffy eyes with tears in the corner of them and a small scratch on his left cheek.

"Listen to me Giyuu. If you even so much as THINK you can get away from me you're terribly mistaken." Sabito grabs Giyuu by the hair, dragging him to a chair, before throwing him into it.

Still holding onto Giyuu's hair, Sabito forces Giyuu to look at him. "You're mine and no one will take you away from me."

Giyuu was completely terrified, as he had yet to stop shaking.

Sabito grabs his knife and leans down next to Giyuu's ear, "this might hurt a bit honey". He then proceeded to lift up Giyuu's shirt and carve his name onto Giyuu's stomach.

The room was filled with his antagonizing screams and cries of paim. It was even more painful as Sabito made sure that once it healed, that it would leave a scar.

"S-Sa...bi" Giyuu stuttered as his cheek continued to soak in his own tears.

"Shhh" Sabito silenced him before grabbing a chair and hitting Giyuu in the side of the head with it, knocking him out.

Sabito then soent the nwxt hour cleaning the school and making it seem as if nothing happened before taking giyuu to his once empty house, and locking him in his basement.




Once Giyuu had woken up, he felt a massive pound in his head as he staired at the floor.

He was currently in a chair with his hands tied behind his back and a bandage on his thigh, as well as a bleeding head. His school shirt was replaced with bandages too.

"I see you're awake my dear~"

Giyuu shoots his head up and stares in horror as Sabito walks towards him.

"Now nothing and no one can come between our love~" Sabito whispers into Giyuu's ear.

"You're.............." Giyuu mumbles, making it hard for Sabito to hear him.

"Could you please repeat that my love?" Sabito asks, giving his future husband an innocent smile.

"You're a Monster." Giyuu looks up at Sabito, with tears in his eyes.

Sabito was shocked. Giyuu had said this before but.... This time felt different.

Giyuu instinctively kicked Sabito where it hurts and begins to struggle trying to get the rooe off his hands.

Sabito had fallen onto the ground and was shocked when Giyuu limped over to him.

"This isn't the way you show someone you love them..." Giyuu says before slapping Sabito across the face and limping out of there.

Giyuu wanted to go to the police but... Deep down, he loved Sabito. Not the crazed, murderous one. The one who was kind and helped him whenever he was in a pickle... The one who he shared his secrets with during late nights at their sleepovers. The one who told him that everything would get better...

So instead, he went home. Never speaking about the incident ever again.




"You will be mine Giyuu~"



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